Climate Analysis Branch (PSD1) Web Transition Information

PSD1's webpages and URLs will be changing over the next few months so that they will be under NOAA/ESRL's URL structure. We have taken advantage of the required switch to better integrate and organize PSD's webpages.

The first part of the transition will be to switch many of the URL suffixes so that the page are in more logical locations and have easier to remember URLs. This has happen on January 20th.We will try to redirect most webpages to a logical location automatically. You can also find pages via the site index, though the main navigation menus (pulldowns) or from direct links. We expect there may be some issues in the transition for us and for users finding our webpages.

In general, plotting webpages will switch to have a /data/ prefix, data docs to /data/gridded/; forecasts will have a /forecasts/ prefix, monitoring webpages will have a /monitoring/ prefix. Some pages will still have the same suffix ( /map/). The GCOS webpages will become /gcos_wgsp/ from /Pressure/.

Wherever possible, we have used lower case in the URL's. You should be switched automatically to a page similar to what you requested.

The next phase of the transition will be to switch the to while keeping the suffix of the URL the same.

We do realize that the switch will be an inconvenience. You can switch bookmarks at the first change though it may be easier to wait until the complete transition has been made. You can check the list below for specific redirects. If you can't find what you are looking for, please email the webmaster.

Note that pages not listed (e.g. /map/) have not switched URLs

Data and Plotting pages

WebpageOld URLNew URL
Monthly/Seasonal Composites
Operational Interactive Plots
Dataset Documentation
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I Dataset
North Americn Regional Reanalysis
Timeseries: Monthly extraction
Timeseries: Arctic
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I Atlas
Climate Data FAQ
Google Earth
Interactive Pages
openDAP URLThe openDAP prefix is


WebpageOld URLNew URL
ENSO ClimateRisks


WebpageOld URLNew URL
Seasonal Climate
Tropical and Atlantic SST
CPC Forecasts
Ensemble Forecast Interactive Plots
Lower Colorado

Monitoring Webpages

WebpageOld URLNew URL
US Precipitation

Special Projects and Topics

WebpageOld URLNew URL
GCOS Surface Pressure Working Group
Science Review
CDEP Program at PSD