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Los Angeles Margin Fly-by Movie

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Los Angeles Movie

- Click on the icon to view the movie on a separate page (25mb).

- Scroll down to read a description of the movie.

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Description of the movie

The movie flies over the seafloor, offshore the Los Angeles area in California. The colored region is the seafloor whereas the gray region is the adjacent land. The red shades show the shallow shelf region from 10 -100m. The yellow and green shades show the slope from100 - 500m, and the blues and purples show the deeper basins from 500 - 800m. The black regions are data gaps. The path begins from the south in San Pedro Bay, flies over the Newport and San Gabriel Canyons. Note the gullies incised into the slope from north of the San Gabriel Canyon to the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The movie then enters Santa Monica Bay, flying up the Santa Monica Canyon in the central bay before turning south, flying over the deep Redondo Canyon in the south bay. The movie path then re-enters San Pedro Bay and leaves to the south. The horizontal scale varies throughout the movie but the distance between the San Gabriel and Newport Canyons at the beginning of the movie is approximately14 kilometers.

For more information about the Los Angeles Margin dataset, please visit our Los Angeles Metadata site.

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Take Pride in America logo logo U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Page Contact Information: Peter Dartnell
Page Maintained By: Laura Zink Torresan
Page Last Modified: 8 September 2008 (lzt)