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Obesity Rate in U.S. Still Climbing --(HealthDay News) According to the fourth annual report for America's Health, adult obesity rates rose in 31 states last year, 22 states experienced an increase for the second year in a row, and no state had a rate decrease. More News

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One of the leading, most respected resources for weight loss surgery information on the web.

Bariatric weight loss surgery (Gastric Bypass Roux en-Y - the Golden Standard) is the only proven method that results in long term weight loss. This proven surgical approach is the benchmark to which other operations are compared, for evaluation of their quality and effectiveness. Below is summary overview of what you need to know to get started investigating bariatric weight loss surgery.

Gastric bypass achieves its effects by creating a very small stomach pouch from which the rest of the stomach is permanently divided and separated. The treatment works by reducing food intake, and reducing the feeling of hunger. The result is a very early sense of fullness, followed by a very profound sense of satisfaction therefore less calories are consumed. Find out more detailed information about the gastric bypass surgery procedure here.

Why might gastric bypass surgery be necessary? Being very overweight is a serious problem because of its negative health effects, impact on quality of life, and the frustration of dieting and not losing. If you suffer from uncontrollable weight problems, you need to know about your disease (obesity/morbid obesity), and about the most successful way of treating it; through weight loss (bariatric) surgery. With one operation, a person can be potentially cured of numerous obesity related medical diseases (called comorbidities) including:

  • diabetes (a disease characterized by abnormally high glucose levels in the blood)
  • hypertension (persistent high blood pressure)
  • high cholesterol (collects on the walls of arteries and interferes with blood flow)
  • sleep apnea (temporary suspension of breathing occurring during sleep)
  • chronic headaches (constant pain in the head)
  • venous stasis disease (discoloration around ankles and lower legs)
  • urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control)
  • liver disease (accumulation of fat in the liver cells resulting in inflammation)
  • arthritis (joint disorder featuring inflammation)

Learn more about the health effects of morbid obesity here.

How do you, your doctor and or insurance determine whether you are a candidate for weight loss surgery? Generally, if you are or have:

  • a BMI that is greater than 40, surgery should be considered.  If it is greater than 35, and is accompanied by a serious comorbidity, surgery may be medically necessary.  To find out your BMI, use the BMI calculator.
  • comorbidities from being overweight? We look for health effects that are known to be caused by, or aggravated by serious obesity.
  • tried dieting, especially medically-supervised dieting, and been unable to achieve a sustained healthy body weight.

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Why gastric bypass? What about other weight loss surgery options? We consider Gastric Bypass to be the premium operation, offering the best combination of maximum weight control, and minimum nutritional risk. Weight loss of 80 - 100% of excess body weight is achievable for most patients, and long-term maintenance of weight loss is very successful -- but does require adherence to a simple and straightforward behavioral regimen. Decisions on what weight loss treatment to recommend to patients with morbid obesity should depend on their wishes for outcomes, on the need for treatment, and on the surgeons explanation of options for treatment and the current information on probable safety, efficacy, advantages and risks. Learn more about the various weight loss surgery options here.

What about the risks? It’s a personal decision, as well as a medical one. Your doctors can teach you about the risks, and help you measure the likelihood of benefits, and will tell you frankly, if they are out of balance for you. Still, the final decision is up to you. To make it intelligently, you need to know all about the risks, and the benefits, of weight loss surgery .'s contributing bariatric surgeons were the first in the world to perform Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, Roux en-Y, and the rest of the world followed their lead. We suggest you find the best surgeon that uses only the latest proven medical techniques, including Laparoscopic surgery, advanced pain management techniques, and long-term support and follow-up.

You have come this far so we know that you are determined to learn more about weight loss surgery and further investigate just what it takes to put your life on a path that leads you back to health and away from the deathly grip of obesity. Remember, weight loss surgery is a last resort treatment meaning you have tried and failed to change any one or combination of the following factors/treatments: environmental / behavioral (dietary, physical exercise), biological (pharmacological).

Patients can and do achieve major weight loss, a healthful and vigorous body, and long-term weight control. So lets get started - what exactly is morbid obesity? Lets find out...


Disclaimer: is an independent service offered to obesity patients by BCCInternet, Inc. It is meant to be an educational site that offers weight loss surgery information. The information contained in this web site is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as, and should not be relied upon as, medical advice. The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician. The information may not apply to you and before you use any of the information provided in the site, you should contact a qualified medical, dietary, fitness or other appropriate professional. If you use information provided in this site, you do so at your own risk and you specifically waive any right to make any claim against BCC Internet, its officers, directors, employees, or representatives as the result of the use of such information. © All rights reserved.