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Nutrition and Health Issues
DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
Searchable database provides access to a wide range of consumer-friendly health information including fact sheets, journal articles, and news items. Also includes a medical encyclopedia.
Heart Health
red heartFind valuable information on how to reduce your risk for heart disease, including how to estimate your risk, ideas for reducing fat in the diet, lowering your cholesterol, recipes and more.
High Blood Pressure
Learn about what you can do to help control hypertension (high blood pressure), including the DASH diet.
Find information and resources on diabetes, including reducing your risk for developing it, managing and healthy eating if you have it, and more.
Locate information and resources on reducing risk for and preventing cancer, as well as dietary guidance for cancer patients and survivors.
Overweight and Obesity
Feet on ScaleLook here for information and resources on managing weight, including choosing a safe diet, calculating your BMI (Body Mass Index). Also find resources for children with weight concerns.
Digestive Disorders
Find information on a variety of diseases and problems in the digestive system including constipation, celiac disease, gallstones, heartburn, lactose intolerance, ulcers, and more.
stages of osteoporosisDo all you can to keep your bones healthy. Find a variety of information, tips and hints for preventing or reducing your risk for osteoporosis.
Eating Disorders
Find information on eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.
Food Allergies and Intolerances
peanutsPeanuts, wheat, milk, and eggs are some of the most common food allergies. Learn about food sensitivities, as well as celiac disease and lactose intolerance.
Red ribbonFind information and publications related to nutrition and AIDS/HIV, including nutrition tips, food safety and exercise.
Commonly Asked Questions - Nutrition and Health Issues
Question marksFind answers to commonly asked questions: getting nutrition advice, diabetes, osteoporosis, and common food allergies, and more...
additional resources
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
US Department of Health and Human Services.
Works to strengthen disease prevention and health promotion priorities, such projects as Steps to a HealthierUS, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005,, and Healthy People 2010.
Steps to a HealthierUS
DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Program has the goal of helping Americans live longer, better, and healthier lives. The Steps Program funds communities to implement integrated chronic disease prevention and health promotion activities.
CDC Wonder
DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Provides a single point of access to a wide variety of reports and numeric public health data.

Last Modified: Mar 12, 2008  
Nutrition and Health Issues
    Heart Health
    High Blood Pressure
    Overweight and Obesity
    Digestive Disorders
    Eating Disorders
    Food Allergies and Intolerances
    Commonly Asked Questions (FAQ)
MedlinePlus Health Information
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