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Final Occurrence Reports Database Access

Due to the sensitive nature of the information contained in the Final Occurrence Reports Database, the Department of Energy (DOE) is limiting database access to DOE and DOE contractor approved members.

DOE and DOE contractor employees wishing to have access to the Final Occurrence Reports Database may request an account by using the online access request system. Please complete all required fields indicated by an asterisk. A user ID and password will be provided to approved account holders. Please allow several business days for your account request to be processed. If you already have an account, you may proceed to the Final Occurrence Reports Database.

If you have any questions about the Final Occurrence Reports Database or its access restrictions, you may do so via e-mail to Eugenia Boyle or by contacting the HSS User Support at 1-800-473-4375 or 301-903-8358.

arrow Final Occurrence Reports Database
  Access to nonsensitive DOE Final Occurrence Reports since 1990, updated daily.
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arrow Final Occurrence Reports Database Access Request
  DOE and DOE contractor employees may request an access account for the Final Occurrence Reports Database.
This page was last updated on April 08, 2009
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