Los Alamos National Laboratory

Year in Review 2007-2008: Goal 3: Environmental stewardship

Taking care of the environment is paramount at Los Alamos. The complexity and size of LANL operations make environmental compliance a continuing challenge. Legacy contamination exists at many locations and is being addressed by remediation efforts. This year, LANL garnered several top awards from NNSA for its pollution prevention efforts, affirming the importance and benefits, both environmental and fiscal, of integrating pollution prevention into the Lab's operations through environmental management systems. Such activities across the Laboratory have saved millions of dollars in operational costs while improving worker safety.

Year in Review 2007-2008: Goal 3: Environmental stewardship
New Mexico landscape with mountains and water

Establish excellence in environmental stewardship

We will assure audiences that the Laboratory is a good environmental steward by cleaning up contaminated sites, using the NMED Consent Order as our guide to cleanup, and minimizing impacts on natural resources.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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