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> Ongoing Investigations  > Research & Analysis

Industry and Economic Analysis
         Working Papers and Staff Research

To promote the active exchange of ideas.

The authors are with the U.S. International Trade Commission. Working papers and staff research papers are the result of the ongoing professional research of USITC Staff and are solely meant to represent the opinions and professional research of individual authors. These papers are not meant to represent in any way the views of the U.S. International Trade Commission or any of its individual Commissioners. Working papers and staff research papers are circulated to promote the active exchange of ideas between USITC Staff and recognized experts outside the USITC, and to promote professional development of USITC Staff by encouraging outside professional critique of ongoing research.

Below are all recent Working and Research Staff Papers, available for the public:

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    View index [PDF] of published economic working papers.

  • Global Assessment of Standards Barriers to Trade in The Information Technology Industry
    This staff issue paper examines study assesses standards-related barriers to trade in the global IT industry. The study (1) discusses the role of standards and conformity assessment in the IT industry; (2) provides an overview of the standards process in the United States, the European Union, Japan, and other important global markets; (3) examines the effects of certain standards-related barriers to trade on the computer hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment sectors of the IT industry; and (4) evaluates proposals for reducing IT standards-related barriers to trade.
    (Publication 3141; November 1998)





Sub-Saharan Africa: Effects of Infrastructure Conditions on Export Competitiveness, Third Annual Report
Pub. 4071; April 2009

Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2008 Review of Competitive Need Limit Waivers
Pub. 4074; April 2009

Property and Casualty Insurance Services: Competitive Conditions in Foreign Markets
Pub. 4068; March 2009

Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2008 Review of Additions and Removals
Pub. 4057; January 2009

Archive 2008
Archive 2007
Archive 2006
Archive 2005
Archive 2004
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