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Emergency Preparedness and Management
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Hurricane Forecasting
Educational tools and resources for emergency preparedness and management due to natural or man-made disasters for the food and agricultural sector.

FDA Food Protection Plan
DHHS. Food and Drug Administration.
Addresses both food safety and food defense for domestic and imported products using science and modern technology systems.
CARVER + Shock Software Tool
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Software to help growers, packers, processors, manufacturers, warehousers, transporters, and retailers in the food industry determine the vulnerability of individual food facilities to biological, chemical, or radiological attack.
Food Protection Education Resource Database
National Center for Food Protection and Defense.
A database of food defense resources provided by a center of the Department of Homeland Security.
Food Defense Resources
National Center for Food Protection and Defense.
A document that provides available resources to help emergency responders manage risks of food and agricultural incidents.
Emergency Preparedness Fact Sheets
USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Provides fact sheets for consumers on emergency preparedness. Also includes videos and audio files.
Food and Agriculture Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC)
Food Marketing Institute.
An information and analysis service that enables the food industry to report, identify and reduce its vulnerabilities to malicious attacks and to recover from any attacks as quickly as possible.
Food Biosecurity
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. University of Minnesota.
Webpage that provides updated news articles on food biosecurity.
Food Defense and Terrorism
FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.
Highlights pertinent information for the consumer about the risks associated with the tampering of, or terrorist actions on the food and cosmetic supply. Includes descriptions of food and cosmetic defense programs and training sessions.
Food Defense and Emergency Response
USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Provides information about USDA, Food Safety Inspection Service's surveillance activities to safeguard the food supply from intentional contamination.
An Introduction to Food Security Awareness
Food and Drug Administration; United States Department of Agriculture.
A course for individuals who work at every level of the food and agriculture system, throughout government and the private sector.
Countering Bioterrorism and Other Threats to the Food Supply
Provides federal, local/state, and international government-sponsored websites about food defense, safety/security.
FoodSHIELD Homepage
A web-based platform designed to create community between the various laboratories and regulatory agencies that make up our nation's food and agricultural sectors.
National Center for Food Protection and Defense
National Center for Food Protection and Defense.
Addresses the vulnerability of the nation’s food system to an attack through intentional contamination with biological or chemical agents.
AFDO Food Protection & Defense
Association of Food and Drug Officials.
A repository of documents and links related to food security.
Terrorist Threats to Food - Guidelines for Establishing and Strengthening Prevention and Response Systems
World Health Organization.
A response document to the increasing concern from member states that chemical, biological or radionuclear agents might be used deliberately to harm civilian populations and that food might be a vehicle for disseminating such agents.
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Last Modified: Aug 5, 2009  
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Emergency Preparedness and Management
    Prevention and Preparation
See Also
    School Food Security and Emergency Preparedness
    Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Resource List
    Department of Homeland Security
    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
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