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Watch the Skies!

Hundreds of extrasolar planets have been detected in orbit around nearby stars. The discovery that some of these planets can be observed in transit has added an additional element of excitement to the quest for alien solar systems. Furthermore, the past decade has seen the introduction of highly affordable small telescopes equipped with sensitive CCD detectors. Many amateur astronomers own observatories which, when properly configured, are capable of reliably detecting the periodic dimming that occurs when a close-in giant planet passes in front of its parent star as seen from Earth. This technique has been used by amateurs worldwide to detect planetary transits.

In 2007, Transitsearch.org participants discovered that the planet HD 17156 b transits its parent star. This planet has a three-week orbital period, and is by far the longest-period transiting planet discovered to date.

Although transiting Jupiter-sized planets can be observed using ordinary commercial-grade telescopes and CCD detectors, a great deal of dedication and patience is required. For more information on extrasolar planets, visit oklo.org.

Last updated: September 17, 2008 19:39 PDT.

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