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 Features: O n   t h e   C o v e r: Volunteers fill sandbags to help hold back flood waters near Winfield,Mo., in 2008. In this month’s cover story, co-op developer Bill Patrie says such efforts symbolize the type of united cooperative effort needed for agricultural co-ops to succeed. Photo by Jocelyn Augustino, courtesy Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Go To USDA Faith-Based and Community Initiatives web page

Energy FactSheet
Go To BCP Energy Webpage

Rural Area Determinations Here: Link to ERS site that calculates new coordinates for business-loan-eligible rural areas

2007 Farm Bill Logo (farm building with stars and stripes): Link to U S D A Rural Development 2007 Farm Bill Site
Rural Development 2007 Farm Bill Site

 Business Programs Powerpoint Presentation Directory

Go To Business and Cooperative Programs and Minority Business Development Agency

Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Repowering Assistance

SUMMARY: This Notice announces the intention of the USDA to make payments to eligible biorefineries to encourage the use of renewable biomass as a replacement fuel source for fossil fuels used to provide process heat or power in the operation of these eligible biorefineries. This program is authorized under Title IX, Section 9001, of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110-246).

DATES: Applications for participating in this program must be received between July 1, 2009 and November 1, 2009. The comment period for information collection under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 continues through August 11, 2009. Comments on the paperwork burden must be received by this date to be assured of consideration (see NOFA for details).

Notice of Contract Proposal (NOCP) for Payments to Eligible Advanced Biofuel Producers

SUMMARY: This Notice announces the intention of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to enter into Contracts to make payments to Eligible Advanced Biofuel Producers to support and ensure an expanding production of Advanced Biofuels. This program is authorized under Title IX, Section 9001, of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110-234). In addition, this program is intended to support Federal policy calling for greater production and use of Advanced Biofuels. The Agency will authorize up to $30 million in funding for this program for fiscal year (FY) 2009.

DATES: Applications for participating in this program for Fiscal Year 2009 must be received between June 12, 2009 and August 11, 2009.

For further program information please visit the web page at 9005Biofuels.
To review the NOCP click here NOCP.

Rural Business Enterprise Grant Program Notice (RBEG)

USDA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Page

Notice of Solicitation of Applications (NOSA) for Inviting Applications for Energy Audits and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Under the Rural Energy for America Program

This notice announces the request for grant applications from units of State, tribal or local government, land-grant colleges, universities, or other institutions of higher education (including 1994 Land Grant (Tribal Colleges) and 1890 Land Grant Colleges and Historically Black Universities), rural electric cooperatives, and public power entities to provide energy audits and renewable energy development assistance for agricultural producers and rural small businesses. Due date is June 9, 2009.

For further information please click here NOSA.

Notice Inviting Applications for Rural Business Opportunity Grants

This notice announces the request for grant applications from units of public bodies, nonprofit corporations, Indian tribes on Federal or State reservations and other federally recognized tribal groups, and cooperatives with members that are primarily rural residents and that conduct activities for the mutual benefit of the members. Original deadline to submit applications was March 31, 2009, however, this date is being extended due to the delay in publication of the Notice in the Federal Register, this deadline did not allow potential applicants sufficient time to submit completed applications. Therefore, the deadline for receipt of applications in the respective Rural Development State Offices is extended to April 30, 2009, to allow applicants sufficient time to apply for and obtain leverage financing.

For further information please click here NOFA.

National Appeals Division -- Disposition of Cases (Jun-Nov 2008)

Special Initiatives Quick Find

Energy FactSheet
ENERGY: Farmbill Section 9006
1890 Land-Grant Institution Initiative
Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC)
ARMS Loan Guarantee Program
Biobased Products and Bioenergy Program
The Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
Community Adjustment and Investment Program (CAIP)
Rural Cooperative Development Grants
Value-Added Producer Grants (VAPG)
Agriculture Innovation Centers (AIC)
Value-Added Innovation Center Stakeholder Meeting Transcript

New Link to Ethanol Presentation - BCP
Energy Webpage
Federal Biobased Products Preferred Procurement Program

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