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Business and Cooperative Programs


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Business Programs

Promoting a dynamic business environment in rural America is the goal of Rural Development, Business and Cooperative Programs (BCP), Business Programs (BP). BP works in partnership with the private sector and the community-based organizations to provide financial assistance and business planning. BP helps fund projects that create or preserve quality jobs and/or promote a clean rural environment. The financial resources of BP are often leveraged with those of other public and private credit source lenders to meet business and credit needs in under-served areas. Recipients of these programs may include individuals, corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, public bodies, nonprofit corporations, Indian tribes, and private companies.

image of pointer RD Lenders Conference
image of pointer Programs
image of pointer Success Stories
image of pointer Regulations
image of pointer Armament Retooling &
     Manufacturing Support

image of pointer Job Opportunities
image of pointer Annual Reports
image of pointer Powerpoint Presentations
image of pointer BP Staff Directory

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