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 Operations Offices
Operation Offices are DOE offices located outside of Washington, DC area.  These office oversee activities in support of two or more of the four missions assigned to the Department.  

 Carlsbad Field Office
The Carlsbad Field Office (CBFO) manages the DOE's National TRU Program Office and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) facility operations, as well as serving as an international center for the study of waste management. The CBFO coordinates the transuranic program at waste-generating sites, national laboratories, and other participants involved in developing the permanent disposal of transuranic radioactive waste.

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 Chicago Operations Office
The Chicago Operations Office is a technical and business management team, advancing DOE missions through managing programs, projects, facilities, and contracts. The facilities we oversee represent $3.2 billion in net assets, including unique, world-class research facilities.

Area Offices

  • Ames Area Office
  • Argonne Area Office 
  • Brookhaven Area Office 
  • Fermi Area Office 
  • Princeton Area Office 

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 Golden Field Office
The Golden Field Office administers the management and operating contract for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).  Golden builds partnerships with the private sector to develop and transfer energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. 

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 Idaho Operations Office
The Idaho Operations Office oversees the operations of the Idaho National Laboratory, one of 10 major national laboratories operated by various industrial, university or non-profit contractors for DOE.

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 National Nuclear Security Administration Service Center
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Service Center (previously the Albuquerque Operations Office), providing procurement, human resources and other support services to the site offices, will be established using the expertise of the former operations offices.

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 Oak Ridge Operations
Oak Ridge Operations (ORO) oversees the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Y-12 National Security Complex, and the East Tennessee Technology Park at DOE's Oak Ridge Reservation, as well as the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education and the American Museum of Science and Energy. ORO also operates the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.

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 Ohio Field Office
The Ohio Field Office oversees the operations of five Department of Energy sites to ensure safe, cost-effective, and environmentally sound closure and long-term stewardship of facilities designated to it by the Secretary of Energy.

DOE Area Offices

 Richland Operations Office
The Richland Operations Office oversees the cleanup of the Department of Energy's Hanford facility.  Richland has reorganized its work and set its sights on getting key pieces of the Hanford cleanup completed over the next ten years.

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 Office of River Protection
The Office of River Protection was established in 1998 to manage the Department of Energy's largest, most complex environmental cleanup project - Hanford tank waste retrieval, treatment, and disposal.

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 Rocky Flats
Rocky Flats is a DOE owned cleanup and closure site operated by Kaiser-Hill Company under an accelerated closure contract.  The Rocky Flats mission includes the now completed special nuclear material management and shipment, nuclear deactivation and decommissioning, waste management and shipment, environmental cleanup and site closure.  When cleanup is complete, the site will be transitioned to a National Wildlife Refuge managed by the US Fish & Wildlife Service.

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 Savannah River Operations Office
The Savannah River Operations Office, located in Aiken, South Carolina on the Savannah River, oversees the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site. Its three mission areas are: Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Stewardship, Nuclear Materials Stewardship, and Environmental Stewardship.

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 Yucca Mountain
The U.S. Department of Energy began studying Yucca Mountain, Nevada, in 1978 to determine whether it would be suitable for the nation's first long-term geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Currently stored at 126 sites around the nation, these materials are a result of nuclear power generation and national defense programs.

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U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
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