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 National Laboratories and Technology Centers
DOE's laboratories and technology centers house world-class facilities where more than 30,000 scientists and engineers perform cutting-edge research.

The Ames Laboratory logo  Ames Laboratory
The Ames Laboratory is a national center for the synthesis, analysis, and engineering of rare-earth metals and their compounds.  Ames conducts fundamental research in the physical, chemical, and mathematical sciences associated with energy generation and storage.

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Argonne National Lab logo  Argonne National Laboratory
The Argonne National Laboratory is one of the Department of Energy's largest multidisciplinary research centers. Argonne research falls into five broad categories: basic research, scientific facilities, energy resources programs, environmental management and National security.

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Brookhaven National Laboratory logo  Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory conducts research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, as well as in energy technologies and national security and builds and operates major scientific facilities available to university, industry and government researchers.

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The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory logo  Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory advances the understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy by providing leadership and resources for qualified researchers to conduct basic research at the frontiers of high energy physics and related disciplines.

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Idaho National Laboratory logo  Idaho National Laboratory
The Idaho National Laboratory is a science-based, applied engineering national laboratory dedicated to supporting the U.S. Department of Energy's missions in environment, energy, science and national defense.

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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory logo  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory conducts unclassified research across a wide range of scientific disciplines with key efforts in fundamental studies of the universe; quantitative biology; nanoscience; new energy systems and environmental solutions; and the use of integrated computing as a tool for discovery.

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 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory logo  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory founded in September 1952 as a second nuclear weapons design laboratory to promote innovation in the design of our nation's nuclear stockpile through creative science and engineering.

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Los Alamos National Laboratory logo  Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Los Alamos National Laboratory, as part of the National Nuclear Security Administration, contributes to meeting the nation’s nuclear deterrence capability and other security needs.

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The National Energy Technology Laboratory logo  National Energy Technology Laboratory
The National Energy Technology Laboratory assures that U.S. fossil energy resources can meet increasing demand for affordable energy without compromising the quality of life for future generations of Americans.

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National Renewable Energy Laboratory logo  National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory develops renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices, advances related science and engineering, and transfers knowledge and innovations to address the nation's energy and environmental goals.

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New Brunswick Laboratory logo  New Brunswick Laboratory
The New Brunswick Laboratory is the Federal government's Nuclear Materials Measurements and Reference Materials Laboratory and the National Certifying Authority for nuclear reference materials and measurement calibration standards

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Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education logo  Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education is a U.S. Department of Energy facility focusing on scientific initiatives to research health risks from occupational hazards, assess environmental cleanup, respond to radiation medical emergencies, support national security and emergency preparedness, and educate the next generation of scientists.

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory logo  Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a multiprogram science and technology laboratory conducting basic and applied research and development to create scientific knowledge and technological solutions that strengthen the nation's leadership in key areas of science; increase the availability of clean, abundant energy; restore and protect the environment; and contribute to national security.

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Pacific Northwest National Laboratory logo  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory delivers science-based solutions to the Department of Energy's major challenges of expanding energy, ensuring national security, and advancing mission-driven science through outstanding staff and R&D capabilities, excellent operations, and high-value partnerships.

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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory logo  Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is a national center dedicated to plasma and fusion science with a leading international role in developing the theoretical, experimental, and technology innovations needed to make fusion practical and affordable.

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Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory logo  Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory
The Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory provides the Department of Energy a reference laboratory to conduct key measurement quality assurance programs and provides technical support and quality assurance metrology that is directly traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

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Sandia National Laboratories logo  Sandia National Laboratories
The Sandia National Laboratories develop science-based technologies that support national security through science and technology, people, infrastructure, and partnerships.

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Savannah River Ecology Lab logo  Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
The Savannah River Ecology Laboratory provides an independent evaluation of the ecological effects of DOE's Savannah River Site operations through a program of ecological research, education, and outreach.

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Savannah River National Lab logo  Savannah River National Laboratory
The Savannah River National Laboratory is recognized as a world-class center of excellence for the development and application of unique and innovative science and technology solutions.

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SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory logo  SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a laboratory dedicated to the design, construction and operation of state-of-the-art electron accelerators and related experimental facilities for use in high-energy physics and synchrotron radiation research.

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Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility logo  Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is a national user facility for nuclear science using continuous beams of high-energy electrons to discover the underlying quark and gluon structure of nucleons and nuclei.

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