Federal Aviation Administration

Flight Standards Service
Certification and Surveillance Division

Updated: 3:09 pm ET March 31, 2009

The Flight Standards Certification and Surveillance Division is responsible for ensuring standard application of national certification and surveillance programs, policies, and procedures.

The division, located at Dulles, Virginia, provides services in all regions. The division is affiliated with the Eastern Region, which serves as the host region. The Eastern Regions services to this division include, but are not limited to: legal, personnel, payroll, acquisition, budgeting, and security.

The Flight Standards Certification and Surveillance Division is responsible for field implementation of national programs, including oversight of the certification and surveillance of airmen, air operators, and air agencies engaged in air transportation under 14 CFR part 121. These responsibilities include development of national certification and surveillance programs, policies, procedures, and comprehensive national surveillance plans; standardizing and continuously improving ATOS processes, providing assistance and support to ATOS Certificate Management Teams; and, promoting System Safety and Risk Management in Flight Standards. More »

Flight Standards Certification and Surveillance Division Offices

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Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Standards Certification and Surveillance Division, AFS-900
45005 Aviation Drive, Suite 131
Dulles, VA 20166

Phone: (703) 661-0500
Fax: (703) 661-0367

3:09 pm ET March 31, 2009