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FAS Search Engines
Search through the country reports prepared by FAS attaches covering nearly 130 countries. Search by keyword, including country and commodity. Updated daily.
Export & Import Data

U.S. export/import data is available from FAS databases:

  • Global Agricultural Trade System (GATS) provides U.S. agricultural trade data including official U.S. Trade data (Bureau of the Census), U.S. Customs District trade Data and U.S. State trade data into one environment using data visualization, data analysis and information integration to provide the means to quickly and easily perform research and analysis on trade data, and to identify trade-related issues and trends through a simple and flexible Web-based interface.

Please be aware that the following links will be replaced by GATS in November 2009. After that time, they will no longer be available.

  • BICO Reports provides bulk, intermediate, and consumer-oriented agricultural product data in both a calendar or fiscal year format.
  • U.S. Trade Reports provides a more comprehensive commodity by commodity breakdown of exports and imports over a two- or five-year period.
Production, Supply and Distribution Database (PS&D)
This database contains current and historical official USDA data on production, supply and distribution of agricultural commodities for the United States and key producing and consuming countries. Users may select from a menu of pre-defined tables categorized by commodity or commodity group (see Pre-defined Tables below), or create custom queries for specific commodities, attributes and/or countries (see Custom Query tab above). For your convenience, the system enables you to view queried data on screen or download it as a file that you can open with your spreadsheet or database program.
Export Sales Query System
This database allows users to search for information dating from Jan. 1, 1999, to the present, based on commodity and country of destination. Data typically will be updated on a weekly basis, usually Thursdays, with the release of the weekly export sales report. Additionally, the database will produce custom graphs showing outstanding sales and exports of a particular commodity by marketing year, as well as comparing data from the previous year and a 5-year average. 
Processed Food Export Groupings
Using aggregations that are meaningful to both professionals in the food industry and the public, processed food products and ingredients are assigned to 15 categories within the database. Each category has at least five, and as many as 14, subcategories of products that can be examined. Aggregations are available of particular 10-digit codes representing processed food products in Schedule B of the U.S. Harmonized Trade System, under which all U.S. trade data are originally collected by the Census Bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) Databases
Helps users determine rates and limitations on the usage of agricultural pesticides.
FAS Subject Experts Search
The contact directory provides a list of topics related to international agriculture and trade and the experts, inside and outside FAS, who can provide information on them.
All FAS news releases and program announcements, dating back to October 1995, are available through searches on date, program area, country, and commodity.
FAIRS Reports
Market access reports which aim to consolidate general information on the technical requirements (i.e. food laws, labeling, import procedures, etc.) for food and agricultural imports imposed by foreign countries.
FAS Field Office Directory
Up-to-date contact information on FAS personnel serving in overseas posts.
Buyer Alerts
FAS discontinued the Trade Leads and Buyer Alerts services effective January 1, 2006.

U.S. suppliers who want to inform foreign buyers about their products may contact the State Regional Trade Groups (SRTGs) for assistance. The SRTGs, which are FAS program participants, offer customized export assistance on a wide variety of export-related topics from "connection to collection." The SRTGs list can be obtained by accessing the FAS Web page at

For further information, contact the Processed Products Division at (202) 720-2260.

U.S. Supplier List*

Search 3,800 exporters and their products.
Search through international promotional activities, from major trade shows to smaller events such as store, hotel and catalog promotions organized by FAS offices overseas
Search for FAS employees in the USDA Washington Metro area telephone directory.

State Fact Sheets
State fact sheets provide information on population, employment, income, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, and top commodities, exports, and counties for each state in the United States.

Search for Uruguay Round Agreement tariff schedules according to country or chapter.
WTO Agricultural Trade Policy Commitments Database
This database contains data on implementation of commitments in agricultural policy by WTO members. The data are organized into three sections; one each for domestic support, export subsidy, and market access data.
National Basic Food Prices Data and Analysis Tool*
A database from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations that shows the prices of different food commodities in local currencies or dollars and local measurements as well as standard weights. It allows for price comparisons between domestic and international markets, between different markets in the same country, as well as between countries.   
Agricultural Market Access Database* (AMAD)
Updated annually, this free collaborative database includes a broad set of information. Register online at for e-mailed notification from the AMAD working group when updates and free documents become available.
DigiTop — USDA's Digital Desktop Library
DigiTop delivers to its users wherever they are and whenever they need it quality information resources, many not available elsewhere. DigiTop is managed by USDA's National Agricultural Library.  
As a public service FAS has provided links to transfer users from this Web site to a site that has information they may find helpful. USDA-FAS makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information on the accessed Web site. We may not endorse all products, services and views that may be referenced on the sites.