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Cassini-Huygens: Mission to Saturn and Titan Cassini-Huygens: Mission to Saturn and Titan
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Cassini at Saturn
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Stories and exciting events featured on the Cassini-Huygens homepage.

Date Title and Description
11/26/2008 Enceladus Jets -- Are They Wet or Just Wild? - Scientists continue to search for the cause of the geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus. The geysers are visible as a large plume of water vapor and ice particles escaping the moon. Inside the plume are jets of dust and gas. What causes and controls the jets is a mystery. The Cassini spacecraft continues to collect new data to look for clues.
10/28/2008 Spooky Sounds from Saturn - Sounds from outer space are weird, if not downright spooky. Be ready for a goose bump or two as you feast your ears on some of the sounds gathered during the exploration of the Saturnian system.
09/11/2008 Saturn's Magnetic Personality Rubs Off on Titan - Cassini scientists found that Saturn's moon Titan, which has no magnetic field of its own, holds onto remnants of Saturn's magnetic field when it periodically moves out of the magnetosphere of its parent planet. A unique flyby of Titan caught the big moon on one of its excursions outside Saturn's magnetosphere.
06/27/2008 Cassini Equinox Mission - With NASA's Cassini prime mission concluded, the Cassini Equinox Mission begins. The spacecraft remains healthy and its international science team has planned for it to take closer looks at especially interesting features in the Saturnian system from July 2008 to September 2010.
06/27/2008 Extreme Dreams Come True - One of the greatest surprises about Cassini's science results is that some of the most extreme predictions have turned out to be correct. The reality is that Titan, the other icy moons, Saturn, and the rings are as spectacularly bizarre as we had hoped in our wildest dreams. Scientists often devise fantastic models of what might exist at a given place -- maybe we hope that we'll find something really exotic. At Saturn, the fantastic and exotic really do exist.
06/27/2008 Cassini's Adventure Ends, and Begins Anew - The Cassini Mission was an audacious idea from the start.
05/07/2008 Saturn Does the Wave In Upper Atmosphere - Two decades of scrutinizing Saturn are finally paying off, as scientists have discovered a wave pattern, or oscillation, in Saturn's atmosphere only visible from Earth every 15 years.
05/02/2008 Titan's Smoggy Sand Grains - Titan and Earth have much in common, but not when it comes to sand.
04/23/2008 All That Cassini Jazz: Musician Uses Saturn's True Voice to Make Beautiful Music - Imagine being able to listen to the music of the ringed planet Saturn. Now you can! Musician Jeff Oster has turned the eerie sounds coming from the Cassini spacecraft into "Saturn Calling," a beautiful, ambient, new age jazz piece. "Saturn Calling" won the 2008 Independent Music Award for Best New Age Song and is the first song heard on Oster's latest album, "True."
03/26/2008 A Perspective on Life on Enceladus: A World of Possibilities - Could microbial life exist inside Enceladus, where no sunlight reaches, photosynthesis is impossible and no oxygen is available? To answer that question, we need look no farther than our own planet to find examples of the types of exotic ecosystems that could make life possible on Saturn's geyser moon. The answer appears to be, yes, it could be possible. It is this tantalizing potential that brings us back to Enceladus for further study.
03/07/2008 Enceladus: What Lies Beneath? - Until recently, Saturn's tiny moon Enceladus was thought to be cold and dead. But close observations by the Cassini spacecraft have revealed dramatic features and made this frozen world a new target in NASA's search for life.
03/05/2008 Cassini Featured at Science Conference - Researchers will present findings based on recent Cassini observations during the 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference taking place next week in League City, Texas. Sessions will include new findings related to three of Saturn's moons--Enceladus, Tethys and Titan.
02/19/2008 High Energy Electron Holes Reveal Unseen Rings - Gaps in the soup of high energy particles near the orbits of two of Saturn's tiny moons indicate that Saturn may be surrounded by undiscovered, near-invisible partial rings. A paper in the February issue of the journal Icarus suggests the larger Saturnian moons may not be the only ones contributing material to Saturn's ring system.
2/08/2008 Students Paint a Window to Saturn - Art students have literally left their mark at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. A gigantic, multi-wall mural of the Cassini spacecraft's latest discoveries about Saturn and its moons, painted by students of the Academia de Arte Yepes in Los Angeles, was dedicated on Tuesday, Jan. 29.
02/07/2008 Scientists Study "Plumbing" in Plumes of Enceladus - Scientists on the Cassini mission have become out-of-this world "plumbers" as they try to piece together what's happening inside the "pipes" feeding the plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus.
2/05/2008 Saturn Has a 'Giant Sponge' - One of Saturn's rings does housecleaning, soaking up material gushing from the fountains on Saturn's tiny ice moon Enceladus, according to new observations from the Cassini spacecraft.
01/31/2008 Cassini Finds Rhythm in Saturn's Rings - Order can be found in the most unexpected places, as demonstrated by our neighbor three planets down. Two of Saturn's rings have been found by NASA's Cassini spacecraft to contain orderly lines of densely grouped, boulder-size icy particles that extend outward across the rings like ripples from a rock dropped in a calm pond..
08/28/2007 Fasten Your Seat Belts, Turbulence Ahead - Lessons From Titan - Ever spilled your drink on an airline due to turbulence? Researchers on both sides of the Atlantic are finding new ways to understand the phenomenon - both in Earth's atmosphere and in that of Saturn's moon, Titan, aided by Huygens probe data. The study of one is helping the other.
07/19/2007 Saturn Turns 60 - Scientists have recently discovered that the planet Saturn is turning 60 -- not years, but moons.
06/01/2007 Building Our New View of Titan - Today, two and a half years after the historic landing of ESA's Huygens probe on Titan, a new set of results on Saturn's largest moon is ready to be presented. Titan, as seen through the eyes of Huygens still holds exciting surprises, scientists say.
06/01/2007 Revealing Titan's Rugged Surface - During its two and a half hour descent, the cameras on Huygens showed eager scientists on Earth spectacular regions of bright highlands with river drainages and canyons, bounded by dark plains on Titan. New information about the composition of the landing region is now ready for the public.
06/01/2007 Titan's Mysterious Radio Wave - Huygens scored a first in 2005 by measuring the electrical conductivity of Titan's atmosphere. The results hint at a new way to investigate the subsurface layers of Titan and could provide insight into whether or not Titan has a subsurface ocean.
06/01/2007 Dissecting the Dirt on Titan - Planetary scientists are a step closer to understanding the composition of the dust in Titan's atmosphere. A decade-long programme of laboratory studies, aiming to reproduce Titan's unique dust, or 'aerosol' population in specially constructed reactors, has proved invaluable.
06/01/2007 Huygens' Path to Titan - Scientists now know exactly how Huygens made its way to the surface of Titan. The reconstruction of the trajectory is particularly valuable for a correct interpretation of the observations from all six scientific investigations on board.
06/01/2007 The Way the Wind Blows on Titan - A simulation of the winds encountered by Huygens has lead planetary scientists to believe that it's entire atmosphere is circulating around on a conveyor belt. This huge system of moving gas transports warm air from the southern hemisphere to Titan's north pole and back again.
05/14/2007 Open House Images and More! - If you saw the images at the JPL Open House, please feel free to enjoy them again and download them for your own use.
02/07/2007 Opposites Attract: Saturn Lures Earthly Admirers - The idea that opposites attract may be a romantic cliché. But when Saturn is at opposition, as it will be this month, it is most certainly an attraction for Saturn-watchers around the world.
01/29/2007 Saturn Moons Explorer: Titan - Mysterious Titan begins to appear more familiar as the Cassini spacecraft explores the once hidden surface of this Earth-like moon. An alternate version is available here.
01/24/2007 The Jet Stream of Titan - A pair of rare celestial alignments that occurred in November 2003 helped an international team of astronomers investigate the far-off world of Saturn's moon Titan.
01/12/2007 Huygens's Landing Second Anniversary -- The Surprises Continue - Two years ago, planetary scientists across the world watched as Europe and the US did something amazing. The Huygens descent module drifted down through the hazy atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan, beaming its data back to Earth via the Cassini mothership. Today, Huygens's data are still continuing to surprise researchers.
01/03/2007 Titan Has Liquid Lakes, Scientists Report in Nature - Scientists report definitive evidence of the presence of lakes filled with liquid methane on Saturn's moon Titan in this week's journal Nature cover story.
12/28/2006 Cassini Rings in the New Year - View this special year end celebration as we take "A Journey in Images Through 2006." An alternate version is available here.
12/18/2006 Cassini Photo Contest II - Join us as we approach the second anniversary of the Huygens Probe descent, and help us decide which of the Cassini spacecraft's many spectacular views from the last year and a half stands out the most.
11/28/2006 Cassini Images Featured in National Geographic - These breathtaking images and others from the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft are featured in the December 2006 issue of National Geographic magazine.
9/15/2006 Saturn's Rings To Shine As Never Before - Ring scientists have been waiting for this. Finally, after more than two years orbiting Saturn, the Cassini spacecraft reaches one of the ultimate vantage points. The rings should shine with majesty worthy of the "Jewel of the Solar System."
8/18/2006 Rise and Shine with the Planets - The early-bird gets a celestial treat towards the end of August 2006. Just before the eastern sky brightens with sunrise, three planets and the waning crescent moon join the starry twilight tapestry. Then, as the bright stars of Gemini and Orion fade with oncoming dawn, the planets rise and shine.
6/29/2006 Enceladus Exudes an Air of Mystery - Atomic oxygen could never be confused with expensive perfume. But just as a fragrance lingering in the air of an empty room offers hints about a previous occupant, the cloud of oxygen the Cassini spacecraft encountered as it first approached Saturn turned out to be a calling card from another celestial presence, the tiny moon Enceladus.
6/08/2006 Collaboration Finds a Rolling Moon - Bob Pappalardo gets by with a little help from his friends. Pappalardo is a newly hired JPL planetary scientist who credits a collaborative effort with colleagues for a recent unusual discovery based on images from Cassini.
5/03/2006 Cassini Flies by Titan, Sees More Craters - A short movie showing how data from two different instruments on the Cassini spacecraft can be combined to give an integrated view of Titan's surface.
4/24/2006 Sounds of Cassini - Sounds that Cassini has encountered, created or inspired during the course of the mission.
4/19/2006 Saturn's Storms Run Rings Around Earth's - On Saturn, it may be a very long wait for the calm after a storm. As big and destructive as hurricanes on Earth can be, at least they don't last long. Not like those on Saturn, where storms may rage for months or years. Viewed from space, hurricanes on Earth and the huge atmospheric disturbances observed on Saturn look similar.
2/1/2006 Cassini Scientist for a Day - Picking a target for a spacecraft to observe is usually a task for a select group of mission scientists. This fall, however, a group of California fourth and fifth graders got to put themselves in the scientists' place and select where to point Cassini's cameras as the spacecraft continues its historic tour of the Saturnian region.
12/16/2005 Multiple Cassini Instruments Capture Enceladus Plume - Cassini observations by several instruments have revealed the source of Saturn's broadest and faintest ring. Recent observations show that tiny particles of frozen water ice are streaming outward into space from the south polar region of the moon Enceladus.
12/6/2005 Dr. Julie Castillo, Cassini scientist - Dr. Julie Castillo has no doubts about her favorite moon among the dozens orbiting Saturn.
9/5/2005 Cassini Discovers Saturn's Dynamic Clouds Run Deep - Cassini scientists have discovered an unexpected menagerie of clouds lurking in the depths of Saturn's complicated atmosphere.
9/5/2005 Cassini Shows Saturn Rings in New Detail - Cassini scientists studying Saturn's rings have made several new findings that further our knowledge of how this beautiful and dynamic system continues to evolve before our eyes.
7/15/2005 Cassini-Huygens Top 10 Science Highlights - A year after entering orbit around Saturn, the Cassini-Huygens team is looking back at a string of remarkable discoveries. Numerous discoveries have been made about Titan's surface and atmosphere, Saturn's magnificent rings, its amazing moons, dynamic magnetosphere, and the planet itself.
6/29/2005 Cassini Photo Contest - Join us in celebrating the Cassini-Huygens mission's first year at Saturn by voting on your favorite image. Cassini and the Huygens probe have provided dramatic new views of the majestic giant, its rings, and its many moons, including Titan. The most popular photo will be announced in early July.
5/13/2005 First Full Mosaics of Titan's Surface - As the large amount of data collected by the European Space Agency's Huygens probe during its descent onto Titan is being processed, new views of this fascinating world become available.
4/29/2005 Ring Watch - The Cassini spacecraft is about to embark on a new mission phase that will give it a ringside seat at Saturn -- literally. After concentrating on flybys of the stately planet's moons since arriving last year, Cassini will begin five months of extensive study of Saturn's magnificent rings.
1/7/2005 Titan Touchdown - While the Cassini spacecraft continues its four-year tour of the Saturnian system, the Huygens probe will plunge into Titan and its mysterious atmosphere on Jan. 14, 2005.
11/01/2004 Night of the Two Moons - Driven indoors, Martin Ratcliffe, Director of the Boeing CyberDome planetarium at Exploration Place in Wichita, KS, and a crowd of about 60 planetarium visitors tuned into an eclipse Internet broadcast from Oslo, Norway, and also to steady stream of images beamed back from the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft's Oct. 26 flyby of Saturn's mysterious moon Titan.
08/19/2004 Local High School Student Sets Sights On Saturn - During the summer months, most high school seniors would welcome the chance to sleep late or go to the beach, but Jessica Luttkus spent her time planning the perfect photo shoot of Saturn.
07/09/2004 At the Edge of an Alien World: Cassini Arrives at Saturn - When the Cassini spacecraft launched into space nearly seven years ago, its destination - Saturn - appeared as a speck in a sea of stars. More than a billion miles later, Cassini has at last arrived at the ringed planet and discovered a dynamic world full of surprises.
12/18/2003 Saturn Rings in the New Year - When the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31, heralding the start of 2004, dash outside and look up. Directly overhead you'll see a yellow star outshining the others around it. That star is a planet: Saturn, having its closest encounter with Earth for the next 29 years.
12/15/2003 Titan Occults Two Stars - Central Flash Observed - Titan occulted two stars November 14, 2003. The data received from occultations can tell scientists much about the atmosphere of Titan. These were the last occultations of relatively bright stars by Titan before the Huygens probe floats to the surface of Saturn's largest moon in January 2005.
11/03/2003 Cassini Spacecraft Captures Sounds of Solar Storm - University of Iowa Professor and Space Physicist Dr. Don Gurnett used NASA's Cassini spacecraft to record the sound of one of the largest solar flares seen in decades, as it moved outward from the Sun.
07/01/2003 Saturn Observation Campaign (SOC) - You can take part in this adventure by sharing the splendor of Saturn with your local community through the Saturn Observation Campaign. The campaign's objective is to create opportunities for professional and amateur astronomers to engage the public in the excitement of the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn.
09/01/2002 The Story of Saturn tells the amazing story of the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Saturn is wrapped by hundreds of majestic rings. It also boasts dozens of moons, a swirling atmosphere and a huge magnetosphere. The imposing rings brought fame to this fascinating planet, and puzzled observers for centuries.
09/01/2002 The Huygens Probe tells the amazing story of the Huygens Probe, designed by the European Space Agency (ESA)

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Last Updated: 09.11.2008
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