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Security And Administration Module

Fact Sheet

Security and Administration Module Fact Sheet in PDFPDF file

What Is The Security And Administration Module?

The Security and Administration Module (Security) is an online security and enrollment system that allows Users to easily obtain and manage their access to GWA Modules, i.e. the Account Statement and Release 1 (the Borrowing from Treasury, Non-Expenditure Transfers, and Warrant Journal Vouchers).

What Does It Do?

Security will allow:

  • Online enrollment for users to obtain access to the GWA Modules.
  • Online acceptance to the GWA System "Terms of Use".
  • The electronic routing of the enrollment form to your certifying supervisor.
  • The electronic routing of the enrollment form, upon approval, to FMS for final approval and the granting of data access permissions.
  • User-based password maintenance
  • Agency-level control of cross-servicing capabilities

How Will This Change Affect Me?

The Security Module will be available in late September. Those users currently enrolled in the GWA Account Statement Module will not have to re-enroll. However they will be prompted to accept the new GWA "Terms of Use" agreement.

Those users currently enrolled in the Release 1 Modules will need to re-enroll through the Security Module by mid-November 2004.

What Are The Enhancement Features?

Future enhancements will include Agency level control of enrollment form approval and data access permission assignments.

What Are The System Requirements?

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Version 6.0 or above)
  • Netscape (Version 4.7 or above)

How DO I Enroll?

Release 1 and Applications: ESAAS Currently, the GOALS II System is being used as a portal to the first release of the Borrowing from Treasury, Non-Expenditure Transfer and Warrant Journal Voucher applications. If you would like access to any of these applications, please complete the GOALS II Enterprise System Access Request (ESAAS) Form. Select only one role for each application requested. Once we receive your application, you may be contacted for additional information.

Account Statement:

  • Download the following GWA Enrollment form and the Rules of Behavior PDF FileAccount Statement Enrollment Request Form
    PDF FileGWA Rules of Behavior

  • Fax the completed enrollment form and the Accepted Rules of Behavior to
    (202) 874-8889 Attn: Normika Brown or
  • Send an email to stating that you would like access to the GWA Account Statement Module.
  • Provide your Name, E-Mail Address, and tell us who you work for
  • An email will be returned to you with a PDF file
  • Once the form is received and processed, you will receive two mailings
  • One with your ID
  • One with your Password

With the new security module, the requests for access to the Authority Transaction Module (ATM) and Account Statement Module will be through the URL, Further instructions will be available by late September.

Where Can Get Further Information?

Governmentwide Accounting and Reporting Modernization Project

GWA Project Phone: (202) 874-3230

Fax: (877) 440-9476


Agency Liaison - Michael Norman

Phone: (202) 874-8788


Viewing PDF files PDF requires Acrobat Reader which is included in many Web browsers. If your browser does not read Acrobat's pdf files, the Acrobat Reader is free to download and use.

   Last Updated:  Wednesday January 07, 2009

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