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View The State Profile For Virginia

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Summary of Virginia's Work as Part of the Initiative (2004-2005):
Virginia expressed interest in doing a comprehensive plan for the State and is began working very closely with the Virginia Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems/Maternal and Child Health (VECCS) grant. The infant/toddler team served as the workgroup for the Early Care and Education portion of the VECCS plan. They had a Future Search Conference in March 2005, conducted by Initiative team members and NCCIC staff, to bring together all of the planning efforts.

Virginia's Child Care and Development Fund Quality Infant/Toddler Earmark:

FY 2006: The Federal CCDF Quality Infant and Toddler Earmark is $1,951,518.

The funds are used in the following ways to enhance the Virginia infant and toddler child care system (additional funds may be used to support these activities):

  • Infant and Toddler Series, a four part training course that will become a comprehensive certification program (i.e. infant/toddler credential) in 2007.
  • A train-the-trainer program through which child care providers receive training on how to work with parents to prevent child abuse.
  • Development of materials to target business involvement in early care and education (birth to five) and consumer education.
  • Development of a strategic plan for early care and education that includes infants and toddlers (in conjunction with the Virginia Early Childhood Comprehensive System grant)
  • A video training series targeted to infant and toddler child care providers that is offered through public television.
  • New Parent Toolkits, developed as part of the Governor's Education for a Lifetime Initiative.
  • A Warm Line (1-800-TLD-KIDS) for parents and child care providers.

FY 2004: The Federal CCDF Quality Infant and Toddler Earmark was $1,994,891.

The funds were used in the following ways to enhance the Virginia infant and toddler child care system (additional funds may have been used to support these activities):

  • Quality Initiative Program allocations for all 121 local departments of social services to fund expansion and improvement of child care in their area (a number of these grants help fund infant and toddler activities).
  • To support the expansion of early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities.
  • A video training series targeted to infant and toddler child care providers that is offered through public television.
  • New Parent Toolkits, developed as part of the Governor's Education for a Lifetime Initiative.
  • A Warm Line (1-800-TLD-KIDS) for parents and child care providers.

To view more initiatives for Virginia, search the initiatives database.

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