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View The State Profile For Louisiana

Louisiana's Participation in the Initiative's Learning Communities (2006-2007):
Louisiana is currently participating in the Quality Rating Systems & Infant/Toddler Child Care Learning Community.

profile for the state of Louisiana:

Microsoft Word Version

PDF Version

Summary of Louisiana's Work as Part of the Initiative (2004-2005):
Louisiana completed their strategic planning process and worked on:

  • Reviewing and revising the current draft of early learning guidelines for children birth to 3 years;
  • Developing recommendations/strategies to improve staff/child ratios for infants and toddlers;
  • Developing a comprehensive system for infant/toddler caregiver professional development; and
  • Developing a public awareness campaign on the importance of quality infant/toddler child care.

Louisiana's Child Care and Development Fund Quality Infant/Toddler Earmark:

FY 2006: The Federal CCDF Quality Infant and Toddler Earmark is $2,302,812.

FY 2004: The Federal CCDF Quality Infant and Toddler Earmark was $2,367,008.

The funds are used in the following ways to enhance the Louisiana infant and toddler child care system (additional funds may be used to support these activities):

  • Training contracts with certified trainers to provide infant and toddler training.
  • Rate increase for providers of infant and toddler care (effective May 2004).

*Louisiana reported these uses of the earmark funds in both the FY 2004 and the FY 2006 plan.


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Technical Assistance Partners
A project of the Child Care Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services.