NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Computing Sciences News

Beginning in March 2009, NERSC News is being incorporated into a monthly email/web newsletter called Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences News. Click here for the current issue, or here for the archive.

To submit news items, subscribe or unsubscribe to the mailing list, please contact Linda Vu,


NERSC News Archive


  • March 2009: Green Flash prototype, HPSS upgrades, employee news, student visitors


  • January 2008: Cray XT4 and analytics experts improve climate models, NERSC 2016, more INCITE projects for 2008, Cray XT4 smashes speed records for climate research
  • March 2008: DNA behavior during cell replication, energy-efficient computing research, 2008 allocation statistics, staff exchange
  • Summer 2008: 6,500 user publications in five years, combustion benchmarks, STAR data analysis
  • September 2008: NERSC support for Large Hadron Collider, SSH security upgrade, public release of SSP benchmarks
  • December 2008: Humanities High Performance Computing Program, Gordon Bell Prize for LS3DF, 2009 allocations, new INCITE projects


  • January 2007: Genome assembly, Franklin installed, viral DNA structure, INCITE grants, new staff, user publications
  • March 2007: Star formation, supernova detonation, fuel cell catalysts, nanomaterials, user survey results, allocations
  • May 2007: Planning for petascale, fusion research, supercomputer software development, Open Science Grid, new staff
  • July 2007: $1.58M project to deploy NERSC-developed software, Gruber cosmology prize, CPU-hour reimbursement program
  • September 2007: Seaborg to retire, Opeational Assessment Review, fuel cell membranes, Open Science Grid, NUG meeting
  • November 2007: Yelick named NERSC director, Franklin passes acceptance tests, fusion turbulence research


  • February 2006: NERSC Global Filesystem, user publications, StorCloud honors, user survey
  • September 2006: New Cray test system, laser wakefield accelerators, Gulf Coast hurricane defenses
  • November 2006: Radio telescope data storage, laser wakefield accelerator research, materials interface kinetics


  • February 2005: Cosmic microwave background data analysis, running large jobs
  • April 2005: Storage strategy, NUG election results, electron collision calculations
  • June 2005: Climate model results, checkpoint/restart, system software testing, Kramer honored, PITAC report
  • August 2005: Jacquard system, ESnet's Bay Area MAN, climate modeling, DaVinci visualization server
  • October 2005: Geo-neutrino discovery, archiving genome data
  • December 2005: Bassi system, mixed-vendor filesystem


  • February 2004: Grid access to NERSC systems, QCD data library, Open Science Grid
  • April 2004: Supernova simulations, combustion research, BlueGene/L
  • June 2004: Turbulence research, Earth Simulator benchmarking, network security
  • August 2004: Climate modeling, global aerosol simulations, PDSF upgrade
  • October 2004: Laser wakefield acceleration, Cyber Security Summit, SC2004 preview
  • December 2004: INCITE awards, spheromak simulations, AGU honors

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