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For Immediate Release
Jun 9, 2009

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First MCC-Funded Road in Africa Reaches Completion

June 9, 2009,

Cape Verde road provides modern infrastructure and improves market access

Washington, D.C.—The government of Cape Verde, together with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), held an inauguration ceremony last Saturday, June 6, 2009, to celebrate the completion of the Orgãos-Pedra Badejo road, which is the first completed road under MCC’s compact with Cape Verde.  The will positively impact Cape Verde’s economy by creating better access to markets and community services for its citizens along its path.

“I congratulate the citizens and government of Cape Verde on achieving this important milestone,” said Rodney Bent, MCC Acting Chief Executive Officer.   “This road reflects the friendship between the United States and Cape Verde, and a shared commitment to creating greater opportunities for economic growth and prosperity.”

The completion of the Orgãos-Pedra Badejo road is one component of MCC’s $110 million five-year compact with Cape Verde to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth.  The road, which stretches 10 kilometers long and six meters wide, is the first completed MCC road to be inaugurated in Africa and will serve the people of one of Santiago Island’s agriculturally productive valleys.  The road’s state-of-the-art drainage system and vertical signage meet rigorous safety standards and regulations in order to protect the well-being of users and pedestrians.  An estimated 12,500 farmers and families living on Santiago Island will directly benefit from the 10 kilometer stretch—moving their goods to markets with greater efficiency and reaching schools, health clinics, and community services with greater ease.  

MCA-Cape Verde, the accountable entity implementing the various projects implemented under the MCC compact, will continue work on the Assomada-Rincão and Cruz Grande-Calhetona roads, to be inaugurated in the near future, creating a more expansive transportation network for Cape Verde.

The MCC compact with Cape Verde, signed in July 2005, supports the country’s national development goal of transforming its economy from aid-dependency to sustainable, private-sector led growth.  The various projects under the compact are aimed at increasing agricultural productivity, improving road infrastructure, modernizing the Port of Praia—the nation’s capital—and fostering private sector development.

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Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a United States government agency designed to work with developing countries, is based on the principle that aid is most effective when it reinforces good governance, economic freedom and investments in people that promote economic growth and elimination of poverty.  For more information visit www.mcc.gov.

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