NEH announces $21.4 million in awards and offers for 154 humanities projects

WASHINGTON (June 15, 2009)—Today the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced $21,404,466 in grant awards and offers for 154 high quality humanities projects. Funding supports a wide variety of projects nationwide, including undergraduate course development, humanities initiatives for faculty at historically black, high Hispanic enrollment, and tribal colleges and universities, traveling exhibitions, collaborative research, scholarly editions, programming offered by state humanities councils, digitization of historic newspapers, and preservation of collections and the creation of reference resources.

“From libraries, historical societies, and museums to colleges, universities, and state humanities councils, these NEH grants will reach deeply into communities across the nation,” said NEH Acting Chairman Carole M. Watson. “Whether it is a large-scale research project undertaken by colleagues across disciplines and continents, or members of a small town or rural community discussing a local exhibit, these important projects encourage the exchange of ideas and represent the best of humanities scholarship.”

The grants announced today provide support to projects in diverse fields of the humanities. Projects receiving support will, for example, provide for the development of undergraduate courses that engage the “great questions,” such as What is justice?; support programs sponsored by state humanities councils that explore significant events and themes in American history and culture; enable libraries to host exemplary programs in the humanities; and promote advanced humanities research that contributes to scholarly knowledge and the general public’s understanding of the humanities.

This award cycle, institutions and individuals in 43 states and the District of Columbia will receive NEH support. A complete state-by-state listing of grants and offers of matching funds is available below:

NEH awards and offers announced today come from five program areas—Education Programs, Digital Humanities, Preservation and Access, Public Programs, and Research Programs, as well as the Endowment’s Federal/State Partnership which supports the 56 state and jurisdictional humanities councils. Selected projects have received a We the People designation for their efforts to strengthen the teaching, study, and understanding of American history and culture. Humanities Collections and Reference Resources grants announced this cycle were recommended for support in February 2009.

Information about specific program areas and grant categories awarded this cycle is available in this two-page document.

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Created in 1965 as an independent federal agency, the National Endowment for the Humanities supports learning in history, literature, philosophy, and other areas of the humanities. Additional information about the National Endowment for the Humanities and its grant programs is available at

Media Contact: Lindsey Mikal at (202) 606-8317