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DOI LEARN - Our New Learning Management System

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NBC DOI University Catalog of CoursesThe National Business Center's (NBC) DOI University staff members have been working with a Departmental team that is implementing a Departmentwide learning management system (LMS) at Interior. NBC employees will join employees from throughout the Department in accessing training resources through the new LMS, DOI LEARN.

What will the new LMS provide?
  • Information on all Interior training opportunities.
  • An automated procedure for employees to request training and for supervisors to review and approve or deny training requests.
  • Systems to track, measure and report on human capital training and development expenditures and accomplishments.
  • Competency management systems that can be used to help manage human capital to meet organizational goals and needs, as well as to match individuals' competencies and training needs to developmental opportunities.
  • Systems to manage training facilities and resources across the Department.
How will the new LMS affect employees in their work?
  • Employees will have one source to review and request training, rather than having to search through numerous online and paper catalogs.
  • Automatic e-mails will notify supervisors that training requests are awaiting their review. Supervisors will be required to approve or deny requests and pay for the training through the LMS.
  • The new LMS will assist employees and their supervisors in establishing developmental goals and planning for training, creating individual development plans, locating and arranging for training and other developmental activities, and tracking progress toward established developmental goals.
  • Although the LMS automates the process for requesting, approving and tracking training, it will not replace the need for both formal and informal meetings and discussions between employees and supervisors needed to effectively manage training activities.
What is the schedule of activities for the migration to the new LMS?
  • It is expected that Departmentwide mandatory training on records management and privacy will be made available to NBC employees through DOI LEARN beginning in January.
  • DOI University is currently planning to migrate its LMS activities from the DOI University LMS to DOI LEARN in January or February of 2006.
  • Decisions on migrating online training not provided through DOI University (such as credit card, ethics, FPPS, and FFS training) to DOI LEARN have not been made at this point and will continue to be provided as they are now.
How will employees learn about the new LMS?
  • A web site is being developed to provide general information for everyone with access to the Internet.
  • The new LMS will provide a five minute training video for end users that will teach them the basics of using the new LMS.
  • DOI University is exploring methods for providing just-in-time training for NBC users.
  • GeoLearning will be providing a 24 hour a day help desk to assist users.
Upcoming Mandatory Online Training

Two new mandatory online courses are planned for release to NBC employees in January, 2006. These new courses will be provided through the new Departmentwide learning management system (LMS), DOI LEARN. (See related article on the new LMS.) The two new courses make up a new Information Management Curriculum.

Records Management

It is a Federal requirement that all employees and Federal contractors at Interior document their official actions and keep accurate and complete records to protect legal and/or financial rights and to preserve valuable historical or scientific information. Federal law requires that Interior organizations establish and maintain an active, continuing records management program for the economical and efficient management of their records. This course will improve your understanding of what is required of you in the management of Federal records.

Orientation to the Privacy Act

Departmental employees are entrusted with the responsibility to protect the personal information they maintain on employees and individual members of the public. In order to protect this information, you must become aware of the requirements that apply to that information. The objective of this course is to familiarize you with the general requirements of the Privacy Act and to help you understand your part in protecting personal information.
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U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Date Published: 02/03/06
Historical Document
Department of the Interior www.nbc.gov NBC