Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

US DOT Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)

Congress established the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program to stimulate technological innovation, utilize small business to meet federal research and development needs, encourage participation by minority and disadvantaged businesses in technological innovation, and increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from federal R&D. In November 1982, the Secretary of Transportation chose the Volpe Center to direct the Department's SBIR Program due to its extensive background in innovative programs such as technology transfer, cooperative R&D agreements, outreach projects involving a cross-section of the transportation community, and technical assistance to state and local governments, as well as private organizations. The SBIR Program Office, located at the Volpe Center, directs all activities required under the SBIR law and executes the policy established by the Small Business Administration.

DOT SBIR FY09.2 Solicitation

Upcoming DOT SBIR FY09.2 solicitation will open on October 1, 2009 will close November 16, 2009.   (Posted 07/27/09)

Special Note: US DOT SBIR solicitations will be available on the internet only. To request other information, please contact the US DOT SBIR Program Director.