Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

About the US DOT SBIR Program

The Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982 (PL 97-219), reauthorizing legislation (PUB.L. 99-443) and PUB.L. 102-564 (Small Business Research and Development Act), seeks to encourage the initiative of the private sector and to use small business as effectively as possible in meeting Federal research and development objectives. To comply with statutory obligations of the Act, DOT has established a US DOT SBIR Program which conforms to guidelines and regulations provided by the Small Business Administration. Annually, small businesses are solicited to submit innovative research proposals that address high priority requirements of the Department and have potential for commercialization.

2009.1 DOT SBIR Solicitation

The DOT SBIR Program Solicitation FY09.1 closed at 5 pm on April 15, 2009. Please see Previous Solicitations for past materials, and check back for future announcements on upcoming solicitations.

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