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What Works Clearinghouse


Cognitive Tutor® Algebra I, a full year course, delivers instruction in single variable data, simplifying linear expressions, mathematical modeling, solving systems with linear equations, problem solving using proportional reasoning, and powers and exponents. Students work at their own pace to develop problem-solving skills. The duration of each lesson can vary, depending on the length of a school's class period. Generally, three periods a week are spent using the Cognitive Tutor® Algebra I text for classroom activities, and two are spent in the computer lab using the Cognitive Tutor® Algebra I software.


One study met the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) evidence standards and one study met the WWC evidence standards with reservations. Together, the two studies included more than 800 ninth graders in more than 40 classrooms in Florida and Oklahoma. The studies examined the effects of Cognitive Tutor® Algebra I on students' math achievement. 1

The WWC considers the extent of evidence for Cognitive Tutor® Algebra I to be medium to large for math achievement.


Cognitive Tutor® Algebra I was found to have potentially positive effects on math achievement.

  Math achievement
Rating of effectiveness Potentially positive effects
Improvement index2 Average: +8 percentile points
Range: -10 to +16 percentile points
1 The evidence presented in this report is based on available research. Findings and conclusions may change as new research becomes available.
2 These numbers show the average and range of improvement indices for all findings across the studies.

PO Box 2393
Princeton, NJ 08543-2393
Phone: 1-866-503-6114