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USGS Scientists Contribute to Book on Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands As a Result of USGS Climate-Change Program

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cover of Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands of the Southeastern United States

Numerous U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) employees and contractors contributed research findings to a new book, Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands of the Southeastern United States, edited by ecologists Thomas W. Doyle and Ken W. Krauss of the USGS National Wetlands Research Center in Lafayette, Louisiana, and professor William H. Conner of the Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Clemson University, in Georgetown, South Carolina. The new book is the result of several research projects conducted under the auspices of the USGS Global Change Research Program.

The tidal freshwater forested wetland is a unique ecosystem in the Southeastern United States that has not been well studied or widely understood, yet this ecosystem is among the most sensitive to sea-level rise and increased frequency of droughts or floods.

The editors have compiled up-to-date findings about the hydrology, biogeochemistry, community ecology, forestry, stress physiology, and restoration of these tidal freshwater forested wetlands. The book includes case studies from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana. The publisher (Springer) believes that the book "will be an important resource for researchers, natural-resource managers, and students interested in understanding the complex dynamics of this unique coastal ecosystem, one that has been altered by land-use history and which is now undergoing decline due to changing climate, sea-level rise, and hurricanes."

USGS contributors from the National Wetlands Research Center include Richard Day, Thomas Doyle, Stephen Faulkner, Bobby Keeland, Ken Krauss, John McCoy, Pat O'Neil, and IAP World Services, Inc., contractors Andrew From and Marcus Melder. Additional USGS contributors are Daniel Kroes and Christopher Swarzenski of the Louisiana Water Science Center (Baton Rouge), Sammy King of the Louisiana Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (Baton Rouge), Melanie Darst and Helen Light of the Florida Integrated Science Center (Tallahassee), Wiley Kitchens of the Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (Gainesville), and Cliff Hupp and Gregory Noe of the USGS National Center (Reston, Virginia).

The full citation for the new book is:

Conner, W.H., Doyle, T.W., and Krauss, K.W., eds., 2007, Ecology of tidal freshwater forested wetlands of the southeastern United States: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer, 505 p. (See "Recently Published Articles," this issue, for individual chapter citations.)

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New Book on Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands

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Updated February 19, 2008 @ 10:46 AM (JSS)