Page Title:  What's New

What's New in the Northwest Region

May 1, 2009:  Application for ESA permit authorizing take of ESA-listed Puget Sound Chinook salmon and Puget Sound steelhead during annual operation and maintenance of Sunset Falls Trap and Haul Fishway; comment period ends June 1

Apr. 30, 2009: Commerce Secretary Locke extends 2008 West Coast salmon fishery disaster declaration

Apr. 28, 2009:  NOAA Fisheries Service announced that it is initiating an Endangered Species Act status review for Oregon coast coho; comment period ends July 28

Apr. 22, 2009: NOAA's Fisheries Service announced that it is proposing to list three populations of rockfish in Puget Sound and Strait of Georgia under the ESA; comment period ends June 22

Mar. 17, 2009: The Northwest Region activated a new Web section on Puget Sound killer whale recovery plan implementation

Mar. 12, 2009: NOAA's Fisheries Service announced that it is proposing to list southern distinct population segment (DPS) of eulachon (Columbia River smelt) under the ESA; comment period ends May 12

Page last updated: 2009-05-05 14:02:43