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Watts Bar Reservoir Land Management Plan

In February 2009, TVA issued a final land plan and environmental impact statement (FEIS) that examines the potential effects of several alternative ways of managing its public lands on Watts Bar Reservoir. Under a new plan, land would be allocated into broad categories or “Zones,” including Project Operations, Sensitive Resource Management, Natural Resource Conservation, Industrial, Developed Recreation, and Shoreline Access.  

The proposed land plan would update the 1988 Watts Bar Reservoir Land Management Plan and address 16,220 acres of TVA public land on Watts Bar Reservoir in Loudon, Meigs, Rhea, and Roane counties, Tennessee. The FEIS considers three alternatives to guide land use approvals, private water use facility permitting, and resource management decisions on Watts Bar Reservoir.  The alternatives include continuing management under the existing 1988 Plan (Alternative A – No Action) and two action alternatives (Alternatives B and C) involving different land allocations.  The action alternatives allocate various tracts of TVA land to specific uses.   These allocations support TVA goals, balance competing demands, respond to the needs of our stakeholders, and help meet TVA responsibilities to protect natural and cultural resources. Alternative B, Modified Development and Recreation Alternative, would provide suitable industrial use and developed recreation, and Alternative C, Modified Conservation and Recreation Alternative, would emphasize natural resource conservation and disbursed recreation activities. TVA’s preferred alternative is Alternative B.

TVA first issued a draft plan and environmental impact statement (DEIS) in May 2005.  In response to the implementation of TVA’s November 2006 Land Policy and public comments received on the 2005 DEIS, TVA issued an amended land plan and DEIS in August 2007.  The February 2009 FEIS addresses public comments received on the August 2007 DEIS.


A summary and the entire FEIS and plan can be viewed by section, as noted below (PDF files, require Adobe Acrobat Reader). Paper or CD ROM copies may be requested from the contacts listed below.

Final Environmental Impact Statement

This is the complete text of the FEIS, divided into the following sections for faster downloading:

Summary and Table of Contents
Includes an abstract, a summary of the issues and alternatives considered, the table of contents, and a table of acronyms and abbreviations.

Chapter 1: Background, Purpose, and Need for Action
Background of Watts Bar Reservoir, purpose of the proposed land management plan, other pertinent environmental reviews and documentation, and the goals of the plan.

Chapter 2: Alternatives
Proposed action of the land management plan, a description of the three alternatives, and a comparison of the alternatives.

Chapter 3: Affected Environment
Detailed description of the environmental setting and a discussion of the identified resources, species, and other issues of concern in the area around Watts Bar Reservoir (see the Summary and Table of Contents for a list of all the resources evaluated).

Chapter 4: Environmental Consequences
Discussion of environmental consequences under the three alternatives for each specified resource. Chapter 4 includes a list of the proposed mitigation measures.

Chapters 5, 6, and 7: Supporting Information
Lists of preparers, agencies and individuals receiving copies, literature cited, and glossary.

Appendix A TVA Land Policy

Appendix B Planned Land Information

Appendix C Scoping Information

Appendix D Supporting Data and Information

Appendix E Recreation and Industrial Assessment

Appendix F Public Comments and Responses

Appendix G Correspondence

Appendix H Biological Assessment

Index Listing of terms and corresponding page number(s) of occurrence

Other Related Documents

View maps of the TVA-managed lands on Watts Bar Reservoir
Watts Bar Land Plan Facts and Definitions
Read general information on the Land Planning Process


To obtain a copy of the FEIS, contact:
Watts Bar Reservoir Land Management Plan
ATTN: Richard Toennisson
TVA NEPA Resources
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11D
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
Phone: 865-632-8517

Printed copies of the entire FEIS and Watts Bar Land Management Plan are available for viewing at most public libraries and courthouses in the Watts Bar Reservoir area. For more information, call 800-TVA-LAND, or e-mail (attn. Erin Pritchard). In the subject line, type “Watts Bar Land Plan FEIS.” Please include your USPS mailing address.