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Director's Message

The Washington Headquarters Services (WHS) Defense Facilities Directorate (DFD) is an action oriented, customer focused organization with high performance goals. We have taken many positive steps towards positioning ourselves as the premier facilities management and services organization in the Federal government. Our goals are to provide quality service, invest in our people, serve as good stewards of taxpayer resources, provide premier customer service, and continuously explore improvement opportunities. Teamwork, creativity and commitment drive our decisions and actions to meet our vision of being the best.

We continue pursuit of our vision, introducing new technologies, and providing a highly trained and ready staff eager to assist our customers. We are experts, adept at providing first class facilities management of our portfolio of more than 160 federally owned and leased buildings, including the Pentagon. Around the clock DFD staff members cover our facilities to ensure that our services keep our customers safe and mission capable.

DFD plans strategically to accommodate our customers and our employees. For example, the Base Realignment and Closure Program Office (BPO) was established to manage a large portion of the BRAC actions from leased space in Northern Virginia. This includes the design and construction of approximately 2 million square feet of new space for the relocation of over 6,200 DoD personnel to Ft. Belvoir, Virginia by 2011. The BPO staff work closely with our customers to ensure that their needs are fully accommodated.

We have an established program to search and analyze innovations to improve our services to you. Our “New Look” Website is one of them. We have made it easier for you to navigate throughout allowing you to find the products, services and points of contacts you need in a timely manner. This new software allows the DFD staff to quickly update our information so you will have access to the most current information at least 98% of the time.

Since communication facilitates a clear understanding of your service needs and how well we are meeting them, we want to hear from you. Our main feedback tool designed for your use is ICE, the Interactive Customer Evaluation tool. Its link is strategically placed throughout our Website for your convenience. We encourage you to keep us informed as we seek your inputs on our performance.

DFD will continue to search for ways to position ourselves as the premier facilities management and services organization, and will continually measure ourselves for continuous improvement. Your satisfaction is our measure of success.

Ralph E. Newton, Director
Defense Facilities Directorate

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