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Educational Campaigns

Health education campaigns are one aspect of larger programs of professional, patient, and public education designed to reduce the risk and consequences of heart, lung, and blood disease. NHLBI campaigns focus on raising awareness and disseminating key messages to increase healthy behaviors. Social marketing techniques are used to identify and segment target audiences, develop communications strategies, and convey messages. Establishing and maintaining partnerships is a key ingredient in success of the health education campaign. Partner organizations help assures that the campaign messages continue to have the support of the gatekeepers who are the all important conduit to the target audiences.

Act in Time to Heart Attack Signs

A call to action to educate patients and the public about heart attack risk, warning signs, and survival

COPD: Learn More Breathe Better

Aims to increase awareness and understanding of COPD and its risk factors, and to underscore the benefits of early detection and treatment.

Hearts N' Parks

a national, community-based program to help park and recreation agencies encourage heart-healthy lifestyles in their communities.

Stay in Circulation: Take Steps to Learn About PAD

Increases public and health care provider awareness of peripheral arterial disease or P.A.D. and its association with other cardiovascular diseases

The Heart Truth

A national awareness campaign for women about heart disease

We Can!ô (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition)

Helps community organizations and families prevent overweight in childhood



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