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SF424 (R&R) Application and Electronic Submission Information

The SF424 (R&R) is used for electronic submission gradually replacing the paper PHS 398. This page provides application guides for preparing your electronic application. Also, see the Electronic Submission of Grant Applications page for more information.

Adobe Reader Application Instructions

NIH and other PHS agencies have transitioned from PureEdge Viewer to Adobe Reader versions of the SF424 (R&R) application forms. All active funding opportunities include only Adobe versions of the application forms and are clearly noted with “ADOBE-FORMS-A” in the “Competition ID” field of the forms package. All PureEdge Applications Guides have been removed from this website since they are no longer applicable. Applicants should use only the Adobe Instructions when completing applications. 

Sections on this Page: 
[ Instructions and Other Information ]  [ Additional Format Pages ]  [ Notable Changes ]  [ Contacts ]

Instructions and Other Information Date Posted MS Word
PDF File
Adobe Instructions: 
To be used for FOAs that indicate “ADOBE-FORMS-A” in the “Competition ID” field of the SF424 (R&R) forms package.

Application Guide SF424 (R&R) – Adobe Forms Version A
(for use with Adobe Reader application forms)


MS Word  (3.5 MB) PDF  (4.5 MB)

Individual Fellowship Application Guide SF424 (R&R) - Adobe Forms Version A
(for use with Adobe Reader application forms)

MS Word  (2.5 MB) PDF  (3.2 MB)

SBIR/STTR Application Guide SF424 (R&R) – Adobe Forms Version A
(for use with Adobe Reader application forms)


MS Word  (3.3 MB) PDF  (4.2 MB)
Other Information:

eRA Assembly of the SF424 (R&R) Application (Adobe Version A).  Includes assembly of “K” Career Development Award applications.
(An information document describing the system-generated grant image of a SF424 (R&R) application once submitted and received by the agency)

02/11/2009 MS Word  (119 KB) n/a

eRA Assembly of the SF424 (R&R) Fellowship Application (Adobe Version A). (An information document describing the system-generated grant image of a SF424 (R&R) application once submitted and received by the agency)

06/10/2009 MS Word  (76 KB) n/a
Person Months Information: FAQs, including a Conversion Calculator 04/21/2006 n/a n/a

Additional Format Pages

NIH requires all text attachments in an SF424 (R&R) application to be PDF. However, to avoid system errors, applicants should create text attachments using word processing software and then convert to PDF using PDF-generating software. While Word samples are provided below, applicants will need to convert the finished product to PDF before attaching within an SF424 (R&R) application. Do not use the PDF samples from the PHS398 application page. Those are fillable-PDF forms which will cause an error in the electronic submission of an SF424 (R&R) applications.
Additional Format Pages Date Posted File Link/Format/Size
Biographical Sketch Format Page
(use also for Fellowship Sponsor/Co-Sponsors)
11/04/2005 MS Word  (34 KB)
Biographical Sketch Sample 10/12/2005 MS Word  (69 KB)
Fellowship Applicant Biographical Sketch Format Page 06/10/2009 MS Word  (51 KB)
Fellowship Application Biographical Sketch Sample 06/10/2009 MS Word  (75 KB)
Referee Instructions for Mentored Career Development Awards


MS Word  (31 KB)
References for Fellowship Awards 06/10/2009 MS Word  (63 KB)
Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table Format Page 10/12/2005 MS Word  (48 KB)
Inclusion Enrollment Report Format Page (New Format) 10/12/2005 MS Word  (71 KB)
Inclusion Enrollment Report Format Page (Old-4/98 Format) 10/12/2005 MS Word  (38 KB)
Modular Budget Sample: Same Modules 11/08/2005 PDF  (27 KB)
Modular Budget Sample: Variable Modules 07/23/2008 PDF  (26 KB)
Additional Senior/Key Person Profiles (Format provided for those applications requiring > 8 Senior/Key Person Profiles) 07/05/2006 MS Word  (51 KB)
Additional Performance Sites (Format provided for those applications requiring > 8 Project/Performance Sites) 07/05/2006 MS Word  (47 KB)

Format for submitting modified Specific Aims, Project Summary/Abstract, and Public Health Relevance Statements to ICs when requested by NIH staff.


MS Word  (27 KB)
PDF  (20 KB)

Notable Changes Made to SF424 (R&R) Application Guides

08/03/2009: Revised Fellowship Application Guide: A revised SF424 (R&R) Individual Fellowship Application Guide has been published to clarify that the page limit for the Doctoral Dissertation and Other Research Experience (Item C.10 of the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form) is two pages.

07/31/2009: Revised Fellowship Application Guides: A revised SF424 (R&R) Individual Fellowship Application Guide has been published to clarify the information that should be provided in the “Respective Contributions” and “Selection of Sponsor and Institution” sections (Items B.19 and B.20) of the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form.

06/10/2009: New Fellowship Application Guides: A new SF424 (R&R) Individual Fellowship Application Guide has been published as part of transition “F” Fellowship grants to electronic submission. A biographical sketch format page, biographical sketch sample, and references document have also been added for Fellowships, as well as an eRA Fellowship Application Assembly document.

03/31/2009: All PureEdge Application Guides have been removed.

12/08/2008: Adobe Version A General Application Guide: The General Application Guide has been updated to provide instructions for completing Adobe applications. The SBIR/STTR Application Guide will be updated soon.

08/01/2008: Adobe Pilot Forms Version Application Guide Now Available and Version 2 General Guides Updated: An application guide has been developed for use with the new Adobe Pilot Forms, but should only be used as requested in a specific FOA. It includes detailed instructions on using the new Adobe Reader forms and incorporates modifications to existing instructions required to accommodate the pilot forms. Separately, the PureEdge-based Application Guides (General and SBIR/STTR) have been updated to include clarifications that not all personnel on an application are required to submit letters of support; that an applicant’s response to the SBIR/STTR Permission Disclosure Statement will not impact its review score or agency funding decision (SBIR/STTR Application Guide only); and, that applicants proposing human subjects research should only submit date of IRB approval for the entire application, not an individual protocol. A minor re-organization and various editorial changes have also been made in Part III – Definitions to reflect recent changes in the PHS 398 instructions. A description of the more notable edits is attached (MS Word - 54 KB).

04/24/2008: Version 2 General and SBIR/STTR Application Guides Updated: Application Guides (General and SBIR/STTR) have been updated to include instructions for implementing the newly revised NIH Public Access Policy, add a certification/assurance on the impact of grant activities on the environment and historic properties, and to reference new technical assistance resources for education in the protection of human research participants. Other minor editorial corrections have also been included.

01/22/2008: Version 2 SBIR/STTR Application Guide Updated: Procedures in Part III for submitting Financial Status Reports (OMB 269) have been updated to reflect required submission through the eRA Commons.

01/15/2008: Version 2 Application Guides: Application Guides (General and SBIR/STTR) have been updated to incorporate policy and application instruction changes implemented in the recent PHS 398 revision, such as revised instructions for applications proposing Human Subjects Research. Additionally, minor editorial changes have been made to provide additional clarity and guidance based on feedback received from the applicant community. A description of the more notable edits is attached (MS Word - 42 KB).

09/13/2007: Version 2 Application Guides: Application Guides (General and SBIR/STTR) have been updated to provide additional clarity and guidance. They also include revised instructions for submitting subaward budgets that are not active for all periods of the grant, submitting information on cover letters, and submitting letters from facilities certifying rental/lease arrangements with SBIR/STTR applicants. Attached is a description of the more notable edits (MS Word - 35 KB).

05/23/2007 - Version 2 SBIR/STTR Application Guide Updated: Research Project Evaluation Criteria in Section 6, Peer Review Process, has been revised. The NLM Program Contact has been changed.

04/19/2007: Version 2 Application Guides: Application Guides (General and SBIR/STTR) have been updated to provide additional clarity and guidance. See the attached description of the more notable edits (MS Word - 50 KB).

01/23/2007 - Version 2 SBIR/STTR Application Guide Updated: The SBIR/STTR Application Guide, Version 2, has been revised to include updated references to parent SBIR and STTR parent funding opportunity announcements; the Awarding Component Contact Information Table has been updated; a new chapter, 'Award Guidelines, Reporting Requirements, and Other Considerations' has been added to Part III; and the Multiple PD/PI Policy as it applies to SBIR/STTR has been clarified.

01/16/2007 - Version 1 Removed: Removed Version 1 Application Guides and reference material. Version 1 forms and instructions have been phased out and replaced by Version 2 or Version 2a.

11/13/2006 - Version 2 (including 2a) Revised: Version 2 instructions have been revised to:
1) Incorporate instructions for the Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) component which will now be used in all funding opportunities. This revised forms package will be noted as Version 2a-Forms in the Competition ID of the forms package; 2) Update information regarding the broader implementation of the Multiple PI initiative (see Guide Notice NOT-OD-07-017); 3) Incorporate the revised submission dates (see Notice NOT-OD-07-001); and, 4) Incorporate new instructions regarding appendix material (see Notice NOT-OD-07-018).

07/05/2006 - Version 2: A second version of the Application Guide (Version 2) has been published. Version 2 corresponds with Version 2 of the SF424 (R&R) forms. Version 2 includes changes to all the forms made by Grants.gov; e.g., new data fields and revised instructional text. In addition Version 2 includes a few changes to two agency-specific forms--PHS Research Plan Component and PHS398 Checklist Component. Instructional text changes have also been made throughout Version 2 to provide additional guidance and clarity. Notable changes in Version 2 are listed in the Foreword of the Application Guide.

06/15/2006 - Version 1: The Application Guide has been revised to include a reference throughout to “Version 1”. Version 1, Part I has been revised to replace all instructions and references to the now-obsolete PI and AOR verification step with references to the 2-weekday viewing period. Text in Part II-Supplemental Instructions for Preparing the Human Subjects Section of the Research Plan has been revised to more accurately reflect the application process for the SF424 (R&R). Finally minor edits have been made throughout Part I to provide clarity and improved guidance.


Grants Information
Email: GrantsInfo@nih.gov
Telephone: (301) 435-0714

Finding Help on Electronic Submission of Grant Applications

Note: For help accessing PDF, RTF, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, RealPlayer, Video or Flash files, see Help Downloading Files.