



July 2009
11th Annual National Leadership Conference Reminder
This year’s National Leadership Conference is being held in Dallas, Texas on August 13-14, which is just one month away!! For all information related to conference registration and hotel information, see the 11th Annual National Leadership Conference icon on the right side of this page. Early bird registration ends July 24th, so please don’t miss out on tremendous savings - REGISTER NOW!
Success Stories: Indiana
The Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission Implements a Six-Phase Process to Identify Problem Alcohol Sales Outlets

In response to a 2006 study conducted by the Indiana Prevention Resource Center, Indiana’s Alcohol and Tobacco Commission and the State Excise Police began developing new enforcement strategies to identify problem alcohol sales outlets and strategies that support retailers in reducing the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors. This brought the emergence of a process known as the Survey for Alcohol Compliance (SAC). The SAC is a six phase process which includes compliance checks, shoulder taps, education, collaboration and sensible penalties. This story shares the success achieved by using a consistent and well thought-out process. Indiana’s success has opened the doors in developing additional partnerships in other environments resulting in a continuous effort in preventing underage drinking.

To read the entire Success Story from Indiana click on the Resource Alert link at the bottom of this page.
Success Stories: Texas
TABC Introduces Effective Military Alcohol Awareness Program

During 2007, incidents in San Angelo involving military personnel and alcohol were on the rise. With a significant underage population in the community, there was the concern of overall violations and the need to address underage drinking. In an attempt to find a solution to the on-going problem, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) met with the Goodfellow Air Force Base (AFB) sexual assault investigator, and the base commander to develop a program to combat alcohol violations, track progress and success. Through this partnership, in 2008 military incidents were almost eliminated. TABC agents continue to hold quarterly meetings with Goodfellow AFB personnel. The meetings have been so well received that they expanded to include the County Sheriff’s Office, additional management from local alcohol establishments, and about 40 ranking military officials. This success story is an example of how getting the right partners and developing a strong program can be not only effective but also sustained and replicated.

To read the entire Success Story from Texas, click on the Resource Alert link at the bottom of this page.
UDETC Publications
See our 'Publications' page on the left for a list of publications available to download. Some of them are also available from us in hardcopy (ones with the asterisk) at no charge.
July 2009 Resource Alert Legal Case
"The Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals Upholds Conviction of Parents Who Host Underage Drinking Party"

In March 2009 the Court of Criminal Appeals for the State of Alabama handed down their opinion in the case of Manuel Lee Owens and Sherri M. Owens v. State of Alabama 2009-AL-0324.003 from the Covington Circuit Court. Manuel and Sherri argued that the State did not present sufficient evidence to support their convictions for violation of Alabama’s open house party statue. Their convictions resulted in Manuel’s sentence of 60 days in the county jail, splitting the sentence and ordering him to serve one weekend in jail followed by 90 days on probation. Sherri was sentenced to serve a term of 60 days in the county jail, but the sentence was suspended and she was placed on probation.
To read more about this case please click here.
National Electronic Seminar - July 2009: Using Volunteers for Underage Drinking Enforcement Operations and Other Events
Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009
Time: 3:00-4:15 p.m. eastern
Speakers: Chief Mark Miranda, Newport Police Department; Lt. Dave Teem, Newport Police Department; and Barbara Dougherty, Director, Lincoln County Commission on Children & Families

With law enforcement budgets dwindling because of the downturn in economic growth, managers must look for new ways to stretch dollars. Volunteers in public service is one way responsible citizens can pitch in and help law enforcement agencies in their mission to serve and protect. Underage alcohol enforcement and other law enforcement operations are one way citizen volunteers can assist the communities they live in. See how several law enforcement agencies are using volunteers in a meaningful way for special events and other enforcement operations that relate to reducing underage drinking and other alcohol-related community incidents.

To register for this audio conference or see a calendar of upcoming audio conferences click on 'National Electronic Seminars' on the left side of this page.
Did you know?
That it is not too late to be an exhibitor at this year’s National Leadership Conference? The deadline is July 17th! Click on the National Leadership Conference icon on the right side of this page - exhibit options and registration forms are available for download. This is a wonderful opportunity to spotlight your goods and services that are powerful tools in the efforts to reduce underage drinking.

If you would like to receive the Resource Alert Summary by email each month send us an email udetc@udetc.org.

To print a hard-copy of this month’s Resource Alert visit: ResourceAlert0709.pdf

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the Office of Juvenile Justice for Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) or the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) and are solely of the author/source.

11th Annual Conference

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