NOAA 2001-007
Contact: Pat Viets


NOAA's National Climatic Data Center is exploring ways of using data collected by students as part of its climate monitoring and archival activities, Thomas Ross, a meteorologist at the center, told scientists at the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society in Albuquerque, N.M., today.

Participating students are in the GLOBE program – Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment. GLOBE is a worldwide network of students, teachers, and scientists working together to benefit the environment. To date, over 15,000 teachers have been trained in 10,000 schools.

The data that the GLOBE program contributes are temperature and precipitation, Ross said. "The data can be valuable to NCDC's data analysis and research when it is complete and meets quality control standards. NCDC also uses GLOBE daily temperature and precipitation data in analyses of extreme climate events. GLOBE data were incorporated in an analysis of a record heat wave in May of 1999, which affected Texas and Oklahoma and in studying extreme rainfall in Florida from Hurricane Irene during October 1999."

NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, in Asheville, N.C., is the world's largest active archive of weather and climate data. The center has more than 150 years of data on hand. This includes satellite weather images back to 1960, with 55 gigabytes of new information added each day--equivalent to 18 million pages a day.

Data are received from a wide variety of sources, including satellites, radar, remote sensing systems, cooperative observers, aircraft, ships, radiosonde, wind profiler, rocketsonde, solar radiation networks, and NOAA's National Weather Service Forecast/Warnings/Analyses Products. NCDC supports many forms of data and information dissemination such as paper copies of original records, publications, atlases, computer printouts, microfiche, microfilm, movie loops, photographs, magnetic tape, floppy disks, CD-ROM, electronic mail, on-line dial-up, telephone, facsimile and personal visit.

For more information on NCDC, see:
For GLOBE, see: