MINERvA at Fermilab

Fermilab Home Page | NuMI Beamline | MINERvA Internal
Proposal (1/2/04) | Proposal Addendum (29/3/04) | Physics Case and Detector Technology Report (12/04) | Technical Design Report (7/06)
DOE CD-3b | CD-3b Readiness | DOE CD-1/2/3a | CD-2/3a Readiness | CD-1 Readiness | PAC Report (4/05) | FNAL PAC Approval
DocDB | Project | Design Reviews | ES&H | PMG | Calendar | Our WIKI | Starting at FNAL
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MINERvA: Bringing Neutrinos into Sharp Focus

MINERvA is a neutrino scattering experiment which uses the NuMI beamline at Fermilab.

MINERvA seeks to measure low energy neutrino interactions both in support of neutrino oscillation experiments and also to study the strong dynamics of the nucleon and nucleus that affect these interactions.

MINERvA is currently in its final prototyping stage and is preparing for full-scale construction. The first detector module was completed in early 2006 and we plan to begin taking data in 2009.

22 June 06: MINERvA Awarded NSF MRI Grant The National science foundation has awarded MINERvA a Major Research Instrumentation grant. (details) 8 November 07: MINERvA Granted CD-3 Approval The Department of Energy Office of Science has approved the Start of Construction of the MINERvA experiment. (details)
MINERvA Featured in Fermilab Today Click on the titles below to see the Fermilab Today Article Series in 2006 describing the MINERvA experiment: More recent Fermilab Today Articles: Jefferson Lab News Articles:

MINERvA in Pictures (IE 4+,NS4+,FF1+)
roll over with mouse to pause the show and see description of photo

MINERvA Meetings

  • Next collaboration meeting Nov 6 - Nov 8, (testbeam and other parallel meetings, Thu 900-1800; main meeting Fri 0830 - Sat 1700) , Fermilab
  • Weekly Phone Meetings, Fridays at 12:30pm CT
People of MINERvA
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Security, Privacy, Legal | | This website was constructed by the MINERvA Collaboration Members of the
          MINERvA Collaboration at Fermilab, September 2006