Your Total Annual Savings: 0 lbs of CO2 per year.

This is equivalent to the emissions from driving a car 0 miles.

There are many things you can do to help prevent future climate change. Use this calculator to learn about simple steps you as an individual can take to reduce your impact on the planet.

  1. Fill in the information about the number of students in your classroom and school.
  2. Select “Yes” if you will take an action, or “I already do this” if you are already taking this action.
  3. Learn about an action by following the “Find Out More” link.
  4. See the results of your actions in the box at the top right.
  5. See what the results would be if all students in your classroom, all students in your school, or all students in the United States took the same actions you said you would take.

How many students are in your classroom?

How many students are in your school?

This calculator requires you have JavaScript enabled. A spreadsheet version (Microsoft Excel, 86K, Microsoft Excel Viewer) of the calculator is also available; it includes descriptions of the formulas used in each step of the calculator.

Don’t let the faucet run when you brush your teeth. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

Find Out More

Turn off the lights when you are not in your room. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many hours a day will the lights be turned off?

Find Out More

Replace incandescent light bulbs with ENERGY STAR bulbs. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many light bulbs will you replace?

Find Out More

Bike or walk to school instead of getting a ride. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many days a week will you bike or walk to school?

Find Out More

Take the bus or other public transporation instead of getting a ride to school. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many days a week will you take the bus or other public transportation to school?

Find Out More

Carpool with friends to school. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many days a week will you carpool to school?

If you carpool, how many other people will be in the car (excluding you)?

Find Out More

Reduce car trips for activities outside of school. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many activities outside of school do you currently get a ride to?

How many of these trips will you take by biking or walking instead?

Find Out More

Recycle magazines. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

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Recycle newspaper. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

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Recycle glass. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

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Recycle plastic. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

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Recycle aluminum and steel cans. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

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Turn off the television when you aren't watching it. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many hours a day will the TV be turned off?

Find Out More

Turn off DVD players and video game consoles when you aren't using them. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many DVD players and video game consoles do you have?

How many hours a day will these devices be turned off?

Find Out More

Plug frequently used charging devices into a power strip, which will be turned off when they are not in use. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many chargers do you have (For example, cell phone, MP3 player, camera)?

How many hours a day will you turn off the power strip?

Find Out More

Enable the sleep feature on your computer. 0 lbs

Will you take this action?

How many computers do you have?

Find Out More

Based on what you're already doing, you're avoiding 0 lbs of CO2 per year.

This is equivalent to the emissions from driving a car 0 miles.

If you take the additional actions that you checked above, you will avoid another 0 lbs of CO2 per year.

This is equivalent to the emissions from driving a car 0 miles.

Your Class

If all the students in your class took the actions you checked, together they would save a total of 0 lbs of CO2 per year.

This is equivalent to the emissions from driving a car 0 miles.

Your School

If all the students in your school took the actions you checked, together they would save a total of 0 lbs of CO2 per year.

This is equivalent to the emissions from driving a car 0 miles.

United States

If all the students in the United States took the actions you checked, together they would save a total of 0 lbs of CO2 per year.

This is equivalent to the emissions from driving a car 0 miles.

This is equivalent to the annual emissions of 0 cars.