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The Life Sciences Division contributes to strategic Berkeley Lab and National efforts by developing and applying advanced technologies for elucidation of mechanisms involved in response to low level ionizing radiation, cancer and the microenvironment, neurodegenerative diseases, bio-fuel production and bioremediation.

Publication Highlight

Discovery in Cause of Down Syndrome and other Genetic Disorders
Scientists have a better understanding of what causes an abnormal number of chromosomes in offspring, a condition called aneuploidy that encompasses the most common genetic disorders in humans, such as Down syndrome, and is a leading cause of pregnancy loss. Francesco Marchetti is co-author of the article that appeared in the July issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Publication Highlight

Scientists Track Chemical Changes in Cells as They Endure Extreme Conditions
Due to groundbreaking research, researchers can now follow chemical changes in living bacteria as they respond to extreme environments. The work by Hoi-Ying Holman, together with Luis Comolli, David Ball, Kenneth Downing and others was published online in an early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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