tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

photo of kids in classroomTVA has long played an important role in fostering the social and economic well-being of the people it serves. Just as TVA supported the progress of Valley communities into the mainstream of American prosperity in the 20th century, its corporate citizenship activities play an important role in improving the quality of life in Valley communities today.

The employees of TVA are involved in many corporate philanthropy, public participation, and volunteer activities. TVA Community Relations coordinates those activities as well as community investments and stakeholder outreach to help TVA strengthen and serve communities in the Tennessee Valley.

Our commitment

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Investing in a better quality of life Supporting a vibrant cultural life Securing a prosperous future Giving generously to those in need

Our programs

Corporate contributions

TVA may make contributions of cash, supplies, equipment, or in-kind services. 

Speakers Bureau

TVA staff members are available to speak on a wide variety of topics.

Team TVA

Volunteers assist with community service projects.

Community Connections

TVA employees volunteer many hours of their personal time to help their favorite nonprofit causes. The Community Connections grant program is TVA’s way of recognizing the valuable community role served by its employees. For every 50 hours of personal time an employee volunteers, TVA will award a $250 grant to an eligible organization. For every 100 hours, TVA will double the grant to $500.

Partners in Education

Through this program, TVA assists Tennessee Valley schools in providing a high-quality education and preparing students for future employment. Read about Partners in Education.


CADNet is a school-to-work program that trains students in computer-assisted drafting and provides high-quality CAD services for organizations. Read about CADNet.





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