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Testing at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory assessing possible maneuvers for the stuck Mars rover Spirit

August 21, 2009

Second Test Rover Added to Driving Experiments

A second, lighter-weight test rover has entered the testing setup at JPL where rover team members are assessing strategy for getting Spirit out of soft soil where it is embedded on Mars.

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August 20, 2009

Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Mangroves are a vital but endangered natural resource in many coastal regions. A JPL researcher has completed the first full assessment of Africa's mangrove forests.

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Infrared image of Hurricane Bill, acquired from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder instrument on NASA's Aqua spacecraft.

August 20, 2009

NASA's "A-Train" on Track With Hurricane Research

Whenever tropical cyclones are brewing, researchers around the world catch NASA's A-Train of Earth-monitoring satellites to learn more about them.

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Eyes on the Earth 3-D

August 19, 2009

Your World, In Sharper Focus

New features in NASA's "Eyes on the Earth 3-D" online experience allow users to view the latest data -- some less than a few hours old-- from NASA Earth satellites.

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Images from NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer spacecraft and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.

August 19, 2009

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount

For decades, astronomers have gone about their business of studying the cosmos with the assumption that stars of certain sizes form in certain quantities.

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Artist concept of Mars Science Laboratory. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

August 18, 2009

Free Public Lectures Will Preview Next Mars Landing

Two free public programs in Pasadena this week will explain how engineers developed a new landing system for the next Mars mission.

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a massive collision between rocky, embryonic planets as big as mountain ranges

August 18, 2009

Jumping Asteroids

How our solar system was formed has fascinated scientists and laymen alike for -- well, for a really, really long time. New research may have answered a piece to the puzzle - how big were the first planetesimals?

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Artist concept of Cassini spacecraft.

August 18, 2009

Cassini's Last Earthly Date Was 10 Years Ago Today

A decade ago today, NASA's Cassini spacecraft flew past Earth at a distance of 1,171 kilometers (727 miles) on its way to an appointment with the solar system's second largest occupant - Saturn.

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traverse map for rover Spirit

August 18, 2009

Spirit Hits 2,000

Today marks the 2,000th Martian day, or sol, of what was initially planned as a 90-sol mission on Mars for NASA's Spirit rover.

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WISE arrives at Vandenberg Air Force Base

August 17, 2009

NASA's WISE Mission Arrives at Launch Site

NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, has arrived at its last stop on Earth -- Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

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