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Examine What Works

image of a girl looking through a microscope. Chicago Botanical Garden.Analysis/Case Study Development
In January 2006, IMLS began a research study of grants it has awarded (1998-2003) in the area of youth development. The study includes a general survey of approximately 400 grants dealing with youth programs, case studies of select grants, and the convening of a number of meetings, which will include select grantees, program participants, and action committee members. The purpose of the study is to better understand the goals and achievements of IMLS youth development grants, and to engage and inform the museum and library community, and the formal and informal education fields, about the needs, trends, goals, and results of programs in youth development services. The final report, including an analysis of the impact, effectiveness, and best practices of IMLS grants, will be of interest to researchers, educators, public policy makers, funders, and museum and library practitioners in the youth development field.

Press Release: IMLS Issues Groundbreaking Study on Youth Programs in Museums and Libraries - December 17, 2007 Link to Final Study (PDF)

Press Release: Institute of Museum and Library Services Launches Online Survey of its Youth Grants - June 16, 2006

Press Release: IMLS Awards Youth Research Contract to Institute for Learning Innovation - February 17, 2006

Solicitation for Proposals from Museums and Libraries Engaging America's Youth: survey, analysis, and report on grants for youth development programs -1997-2003 (PDF)

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