
Title 49: Chapter V –
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation


Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Parts 571.101 through 571.500

Other Regulations Relating To Transportation: Parts 531 through 595

Summary Description of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards:
Standard No. 101 through Standard No. 139
Standard No. 201 through Standard No. 225
Standard No. 301 through Standard No. 500

Summary Description of Other Regulations Relating To Transportation
Parts 531; 533; 541; 555; 557; 564; 565; 566; 567; 568; 569; 570; 572;
573; 574; 575; 577; 579; 580; 581; 582; 583; 591; 595

Procedures for Declaring and Certifying Imported Motor Vehicles

How to Obtain Copies of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations

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