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RegulationsMany laws affect the work of HHS. The Department issues regulations to implement these laws and develops policies and guidance for industry, state and local governments, and other organizations. The topics of Health Information Technology Standards, Additional Laws & Regulation, and Policies & Guidelines open-up to display many links to helpful information. Health Information Privacy (HIPAA) The Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal health information held by covered entities and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information. The Privacy Rule is balanced so that it permits the disclosure of personal health information needed for patient care and other important purposes.
If your institution is engaged in human subjects research (not otherwise exempt, and is supported by HHS), your institution must have an Office for Human Research Protections-approved assurance of compliance with the HHS regulations for the protection of human subjects.
Health Information Technology Standards How often have you sat in a doctor's office, writing your health information on yet another set of paper forms? Waited for lab results to be sent to your doctor? Hand-carried X-rays from one office to another? Electronic health records (EHRs) save everyone time and money. They reduce the chance of medical error. And when information can be securely shared, electronically, it impacts every step in the health care process.
Additional Laws & Regulations Find laws and regulations on civil and privacy rights, food and drugs, medical and health care, Medicaid and Medicare, research, fraud prevention and detection, tribal matters, and HHS employment.
Policies & Guidelines Read about civil rights, financial, food and drug, human services, medical and health care, poverty, research, evaluation, information technology, Web, and administrative policies and guidance. |