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United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service
Circular Series
FG 0809
August 2009
Grain:  World Markets and Trade

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Department of
Circular Series
FG 08-09
August 2009
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Wheat Tables
Rice Tables
Coarse Grain Tables
Historical Data Series
Additional Information

South America’s wheat import demand has been relatively flat over the last 5 years. Argentina has traditionally covered much of the region’s import needs because of its logistical and freight advantages, along with preferential market access. Argentina typically supplies 50 percent of the region’s imports and between 75-95 percent of Brazil’s import needs, the largest South American importer.

However, Argentina is not expected to be a reliable supplier this year because of its smaller crop and drastically lower exportable supplies. That shortage is creating opportunities for both the United States and Canada. However, with a smaller crop and reduced supplies, Canada will not be in a position to take full advantage of this market opportunity. That leaves the United States in the best position to fill South America’s import needs vacated by Argentina.

It should also be noted that Argentina’s tight exportable supplies will leave other markets short, particularly in Africa, providing opportunities for other exporters as well. 

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Desk Reference Table (Entire Circular PDF available at 10:00 a.m.)
Tables (available at 9:00 a.m)
Monthly Commentary: Wheat: World Markets and Trade
Table 1:  World Wheat, Flour, and Products Trade
Table 2:  World Wheat Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 3:  Regional Wheat Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Monthly Commentary: Rice: World Markets and Trade
Table 1:  World Rice Trade
Table 2:  World Rice Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 3:  Regional Rice Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Coarse Grains
Monthly Commentary: Coarse Grains: World Markets and Trade
Table 1:  World Coarse Grain Trade
Table 2:  World Coarse Grains Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 3:  Regional Coarse Grain Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 4:  World Corn Trade
Table 5:  World Corn Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 6:  Regional Corn Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 7:  World Barley Trade
Table 8:  World Barley Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 9:  Regional Barley Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 10: World Sorghum Trade
Table 11: World Sorghum Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 12: Regional Sorghum Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 13: World Oats Trade
Table 14: World Oats Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 15: Regional Oats Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 16: World Rye Trade
Table 17: World Rye Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Table 18: Regional Rye Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Historical Data Series
Table 1:  European Union: Grain Supply and Demand
Table 2:  China: Grain Supply and Demand
Table 3:  Other Europe: Grain Supply and Demand
Table 4:  Former Soviet Union: Grain Supply and Demand (Wheat and Coarse Grains)
Table 5:  Former Soviet Union: Grain Supply and Demand (Wheat)
Table 6:  Former Soviet Union: Grain Supply and Demand (Corn)
Table 7:  Former Soviet Union: Grain Supply and Demand (Barley)
Table 8:  Wheat Supply and Disappearance: Selected Exporters
Table 9:  Corn Supply and Disappearance: Selected Exporters
Table 10: Barley Supply and Disappearance: Selected Exporters
Table 11: Sorghum Supply and Disappearance: Selected Exporters
Table 12: U.S. Grains Supply and Distribution: Wheat, Corn, Sorghum, Barley, Oats, Rye, and Rice
Table 13: Total Wheat and Coarse Grains: Supply and Demand
Table 14: World Wheat and Coarse Grains: Supply and Demand
Table 15: World Corn and Barley: Supply and Demand
Table 16: World Rice: Supply and Demand
Endnotes: Regional Table Definitions and other notes.
Additional Resources
Production, Supply and Demand Database Online (PSD Online)
World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE)
Interagency Commodity Estimates Committees (ICEC)

View Interactive Global Map of Wheat Production and Trade

View Interactive Global Map of Corn Production and Trade

Grain Commodity Experts
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