Learn More About Security Features and Protecting Your Account

Access Card:   An Access Card provides an added layer of security to help protect our customers' investments and personal information. When you open a TreasuryDirect account, we will send you an Access Card in the mail within two weeks. Your account number, password, and Access Card are needed each time you log into your TreasuryDirect account. You will be prompted to select your Access Card serial number and enter specific values shown on your Access Card. View a demonstration of how the Access Card works.

Virtual Keyboard:   The virtual keyboard is one of many security features introduced in TreasuryDirect as part of our on-going commitment to heightened password and account security to protect our customers' investments. The advantage of using the virtual keyboard, with keys that display in random order each time you log in, is that others are deterred from learning your password and Access Card information.

When Java-Script is enabled, each time you arrive at the "Access your TreasuryDirect Account" page to log in, you will be presented with this virtual keyboard to enter your password. You'll use your mouse with the virtual keyboard to enter the letters, numbers, and special characters that are contained in your password. You'll also use the virtual keyboard to enter your Access Card values.

Choosing a Password:  When you open a new account or change your password, you'll need to follow the latest guidelines for choosing a password. If you are already an account owner, we encourage you to change your password if it does not conform to the latest guidelines. When selecting a password, please keep the following in mind:

Length. Use at least eight (8) characters without spaces.
Characters. Use at least one letter, one number, and one special character such as $ or %, but excluding <\>
Content. Avoid numbers, names, or dates that are significant to you. For example, your phone number, first name or date of birth. Try to choose a password based on a memory aid.

Choosing Security Questions:  When you open an account, you must select three security questions and provide answers, which we'll use to confirm your identity if you forget your account number or password. As an added security measure, we may also require you to answer one of your security questions when you attempt to perform certain transactions. When prompted to answer a security question, your response must match your previous answer. You may change your questions and answers at any time. If you previously chose the question "What is your mother's maiden name?" or the question "You were born in what city?" we recommend that you consider different questions, because the answers to these are easier for others to find. The special characters !^[ ]|"< > are not valid characters for answering security questions.

Customer Hold:  As an added security feature, TreasuryDirect allows you to place a hold on your account. If you believe someone else has learned your account access information and you want to prevent unauthorized access to your account, you may edit your Account Info in your primary account to place a Customer Hold. This action will prohibit all transactions associated with your primary and linked accounts. After you place your Customer Hold, you will not have access to your account until the hold is removed. To remove the hold, you must contact Bureau of the Public Debt, Risk Management Group.

Last Login:   When you log in to your account, a message appears at the top of the page, displaying the date and time of your last login. If the last login date and time displayed does not coincide with the date and time that you last logged into your account, you should contact the Bureau of the Public Debt by clicking Contact Us. If you believe the security of your account has been compromised, you may also place a hold on your account (see Customer Hold above).

Protected Information:  You will notice that some sensitive information is protected or "masked" so that it is not visible on certain pages in your account. On some pages, you may be required to answer one of your security questions to continue with a transaction. These measures provide you with added protection for your account.

Transactions Requiring Paper Forms:  For your protection, changes to your bank information and certain security transfers require the submission of a signed and certified paper form.

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