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Access Online Approving Official (AO)

(NOTE: AO preceding a question means that it applies to the Approving Official)

  1. (AO)  I’ve always referred to the monthly bill from US Bank as my “monthly invoice”.  I notice that Access Online calls this same document a “Managing Account Statement”.  Is there a difference?
  2. (AO) As an Approving Official, am I responsible for reviewing each purchase made by my Cardholder(s)?
  3. (AO) I'm trying to certify my statement on-line but the “Certify” button is not active? Why?
  4. (AO) After I certify my invoice for payment, do I need to print out a copy and forward it to the WHS Financial Management Directorate (FMD) for payment?
  5. (AO) How long do I have after receipt of my Cardholder(s)' monthly statement and supporting documentation to complete certification of the Invoice for payment?
  6. (AO)  How do I print my monthly invoice from the Access Online System?

(AO)  I’ve always referred to the monthly bill from US Bank as my “monthly invoice”.  I notice that Access Online calls this same document a “Managing Account Statement”.  Is there a difference?
No, there is no difference between the “monthly invoice” and the “Managing Account Statement”.  These terms are synonymous and will be used interchangeably throughout these Frequently Asked Questions.

(AO) As an Approving Official, am I responsible for reviewing each purchase made by my Cardholder(s)?

Yes, Approving Officials are responsible for their Cardholder(s) actions, their proper use of their cards and the Access Online system.  As an Approving Official, you are required to review transactions, transaction logs, vendor receipts, and sign and date the “Reviewed By” line on each of your Cardholder’s statements before certifying the invoice for payment.

(AO) I'm trying to certify my statement on-line but the “Certify” button is not active? Why?

In order for the Access Online system to work, Cardholders must input transactions into their transaction logs, reconcile their transactions, and approve the monthly statement before the Approving Official can certify the monthly invoice for payment.  If the “Certify” button is not active, this is a good indicator that one or more of your Cardholders has not approved their monthly statement. Contact your Cardholder(s) and ask them to complete the necessary steps for approving their statement online.  After the Cardholder completes their portion of the process, go back into the system and certify the invoice.

(AO) After I certify my invoice for payment, do I need to print out a copy of the invoice, sign the Certifying Officer’s statement and forward the invoice and signed statement to the OSD/WHS Purchase Card Program Office (located in the Pentagon, Room 3D267) for payment?

Yes, until the OSD/WHS Purchase Card Program is completely automated in the Access Online system, Approving Officials are responsible for printing monthly invoices and ensuring the hard-copy (with a signed Certifying Officer’s statement attached) is forwarded to the OSD/WHS Purchase Card Program Office (located in the Pentagon, Room 3D267) for review and forwarding for payment.

(AO) How long do I have after receipt of my Cardholder(s)' monthly statement and supporting documentation to complete certification of the Invoice for payment?

Approving Officials have two (2) business days after receipt of the Cardholder(s) monthly statement and supporting documentation to certify the monthly invoice and forward the printed invoice to the to the OSD/WHS Purchase Card Program Office for review.  The Purchase Card Program Office will forward the invoice to FMD for payment.

(AO) How do I print my monthly invoice from the Access Online System?

  1. Select “Account Information” located in the dark blue task bar in the Access Online System.
  2. Click “Managing Account Statement.”
  3. Go to “Managing Account Name” and type the first three (3) letter of you first name.
  4. Click the “Search” button.
  5.  Select the “Billing Cycle” of the statement that you want to print from the drop down menu.
  6. Click “View Statement.”
  7. The Managing Account Statement will appear in PDF Format.  Print the statement, by selecting the print button on your windows tool bar.
  8. Approving Officials must certify in the Access Online System and also provide the invoice printed from the system (with the Certifying Officers Statement attached) to the OSD/WHS Purchase Card Program Office, in the Pentagon, Room 3D267.


Access Online Cardholder (CH)

(NOTE: CH preceding a question means that it applies to the cardholder)

  1. (CH) What is the web address to enter the Access Online System?
  2. (CH) As a new Cardholder, are there any specific steps that I must follow when entering the Access Online system for the first time?
  3. (CH) Who do I call to unlock my account?
  4. (CH) I'm trying to access Transaction Management and nothing is happening. Who can I call for help?
  5. (CH) How do I know what cycle date to select in Transaction Management?
  6. (CH) How do I match and approve a transaction in the Access Online System?
  7. (CH) How do I know if the posted transaction has been reconciled with the transaction log entry?
  8. (CH) How do you enter a purchase in Order Management?


(CH) What is the web-address to enter the Access Online System?

The Access Online web site is https://access.usbank.com  .

(CH) As a new cardholder, are there any specific steps that I must follow when entering the Access Online system for the first time?

Yes, please follow these steps:
1) After you have received your purchase card in the mail, the next step is to self- register online. Your Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC) will provide these instructions to you in the OSD/WHS initial purchase card training or you can print a copy from the Purchase Card Web site:   http://www.whs.mil/FMD/
2) You must have a 16 digit account number, the expiration date of your purchase card, and the zip code your card was built under. The zip code must be your business address. If you require any assistance please contact Janette Ray, at (703) 695-8666.

(CH) Who should I call to unlock my account?

You must call the A/OPC, Janette Ray at 703-695-8666, or a US Bank Representative at           1-888-994-6722, and follow the prompts to unlock your account.

(CH) I'm trying to access Transaction Management and nothing is happening. Who can I call for help?

First of all, it will take a few minutes for Transaction Management to load so be patient. If the problem persists, contact your IT help desk for assistance.

(CH) How do I know what cycle date to select in Transaction Management?

When entering Transaction Management you must select a cycle date. The billing cycle runs from the 20th of the month to the 19th of the following month.  If the invoice for a given cycle  has already been reconciled and approved, you cannot change it.  

(CH) How do I match and approve a transaction in the Access Online System?

Matching/approving a transaction in Access Online system is the responsibility of the Cardholder. To match/approve a posted transaction to a transaction log entry, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to “Order Management” located in the dark blue task bar (left of screen) in the Access Online system.
  2. Select “Match Multiple Orders to Transaction”.
  3. Set “Date Range” portion to your Cardholder Order Management Log.  Example:  If you need to match a transaction for the 19 March 2006 statement, start the date range from 20 Feb 2006 to 19 March 2006 (applicable billing cycle date).
  4. Set “Date Range” portion for unmatched transactions available to match.  Example:  If you need to match transactions for the 19 March 2006 statement, start the date range from 20 Feb 2006 to 19 Mar 2006 (applicable billing cycle date).
  5. To Match a transactions to an order:
    1. Select an order from the “Unfulfilled Order to Match List”.
    2. Then select appropriate order from the “Unmatched Transactions Available to Match” List.
    3. Click the “Match To Order” button.
    4. Select “Yes, Match”.
    5. Once a transaction has been matched, the system automatically approves the pending transactions.

(CH) How do I know if the posted transaction has been reconciled with the transaction log entry?

The information will appear in the “Transaction Management “ as “Approved” and a symbol with an “M” will appear after the date of each transaction.

(CH) How do you enter a purchase in “Order Management”?

  1. Click on “Order Management” located in the dark blue task bar (left of screen)
  2. Select “Create an Order”
  3. “Order Information.”  The “Order Information” consists of nine (9) different fields.  These fields are “General”, “Financial”, “Merchant”, and “Ship To”, “Additional Information”, “Line Items”, “Allocations”, “Comments”, and “Match Tolerance”.  Cardholders must complete fields indicated with a “Red Asterisk “.  All other information is optional.


    1. The “General” section requires the Order Number and Order Date to be completed.  Access Online will automatically assign an order number to each newly created order.  This auto-generated number will appear in the Order Number field.  You may delete this number and insert another tracking order number.  Fill the Order Date with the date the order was placed or the merchandise was purchased.
    2. The Financial Information section requires the order amount to be completed.  As a reminder, this is the total dollar amount of your order.  The “Property Book”, “UID Required” and “Contract Payment Method” block in the “Financial” field are set at “NO” for all OSD/WHS users and no action is required by the Cardholder.   
    3. The “Merchant” field requires only the merchant name be filled in.  For reporting purposes, please always enter the vendor’s name in identical format.  For instance, do not enter J&S Heating one time and Jays and ESS Heating the next time.
    4. The “Ship To” Field is optional.
    5. The “Additional Information” Field is reserved for the Program Managers’ Office (PMO) and requires no action from Cardholders.
    6. “Line Items Field”.  If your Approving Official mandates that Cardholders enter line items from the original receipt, then select the button marked “Added.”  The system will let you add as many lines as need to complete this task.  Begin entering the following information:  “Item Description”, “Qty”, “Unit of Measure”, and “Unit Cost”.  When complete press “Enter”.  The system automatically totals each line item.  Repeat this step until all line items are entered into the system.  Line item entries must mirror the original receipt.
    7. The “Allocations Field” is reserved until such time as we are enabled to process payments online.
    8. The “Comments” field has four (4) blocks marked as “WHS Reserved.” The cardholder may utilize these blocks for any additional comments about the item(s) being purchased.

d) After all the appropriate information is filled, select “Save and Create Order” on the bottom of the screen.


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