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Affordable Housing

ENERGY STAR for Affordable Housing: More Energy Efficient, Livable, Sustainable Communities

ENERGY STAR offers affordable housing stakeholders proven, turn-key solutions that can be deployed via housing policies and programs to cost-effectively increase energy efficiency for low-income households.
Housing finance agencies, state and local governments, public housing authorities, asset management companies, architects, builders, developers, and building owners can incorporate ENERGY STAR measures into new and existing housing that provides a long-term value proposition benefiting the bottom line and the well-being of the community and our environment. These solutions may be product-specific or systems-based and include:

Use the following information to improve the energy efficiency of affordable housing with ENERGY STAR:

  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Funding
  • Tools and Resources — Get information on cost-effective measures, how to procure and purchase them, and outreach materials that communicate the value of ENERGY STAR for affordable housing
  • Success Stories — Learn how other affordable housing stakeholders implemented ENERGY STAR in affordable housing
  • Habitat for Humanity Information — Information and resources for Habitat affiliates interested in ENERGY STAR
  • Recognition Program — Opportunity for regional, state, and local affordable housing stakeholders to be recognized for their ENERGY STAR activities
  • Funding Programs — Information and links to affordable housing funding programs at the federal and state levels