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Oregon Employment Department
Hearing Rights
Requesting a Hearing
The Employment Department Tax Section will issue an appealable document on matters that include an appeal right.  If you have the right to request a hearing, the document will inform you of this right and will include specific instructions about how you may request a hearing.  If you want to request a hearing, please read and follow those instructions carefully.

Hearings Information
  • Before the hearing, list the points you want to cover at the hearing. Use the list to prepare your case, and use it at the hearing to make sure that you cover everything. Also write down questions that you want to ask witnesses.

    IMPORTANT: If you have written evidence you want to use in the hearing, you must provide it to the administrative law judge (ALJ), not your local employment office, and to the Employment Department Tax Section and any other party or parties involved in the hearing before the time set for the hearing.

  • Talk to your witnesses as soon as possible to be sure they will be available to testify and that their testimony is necessary.

  • If your case is complicated, you may want an attorney or other representative. If you want an attorney or other representative, get one immediately and advise the Office of Administrative Hearings of the name, address, and phone number of your attorney or representative.

  • Testify only when it is your turn. Do not interrupt. You will be provided an opportunity to speak and ask questions.

  • Testify to what you know-don´t guess. If you don´t know the answer to a question, say that you don´t know.

  • Don´t repeat what has already been said.

  • Make your questions short and to the point. Ask only one question at a time.

  • Make sure your evidence is necessary to your case.

  • Don´t argue or get angry during the hearing. You will do a much better job of presenting your case if you stay calm.

  • If you are not sure what to do during the hearing, ask the ALJ.

For frequently asked questions regarding hearings, CLICK HERE

Page updated: July 30, 2008

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