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Satellite Image of a storm forming.

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KOZ / Eclipse


The GOES satellites encounter two periods, during the year, which the satellites are in the Earth’s shadow. Known as the Eclipse season, these periods require the spacecraft to be totally dependent on onboard batteries for a maximum of 72 minutes daily. Eclipse’s occur from about February 28 - April 11 and August 31 - October 13. The Imager and Sounder instruments are powered down to conserve power, until the daily eclipse is over. There is a significant risk of the sun light directly entering the scanners, as the spacecraft enters and leaves the Earth’s shadow, requiring the Imager and Sounder to be idle prior to and following eclipse. This is known as the “Keep Out Zone”. The seasonal charts describe the GOES-East and GOES-West Imager and Sounder scan frames that are canceled, due to KOZ/ECLIPSE.

Seasonal Charts:   Spring 2009 Schedule

GOES Spring Schedules (Excel file)

  • Routine Imager 
    (Download Chart in Adobe PDF)
  • Routine Sounder  
    (Download Chart in Adobe PDF)
  • Routine Imager 
    (Download Chart in Adobe PDF)
  • Routine Sounder 
    (Download Chart in Adobe PDF)
GOES-South America
  • Routine Imager 
    (Download Chart in Adobe PDF)
  • Routine Sounder 
    (Download Chart in Adobe PDF)
Full Disk Scan During Eclipse

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