A Message from the Chairman
Marc Peterzell

Because of efforts by the Institute and other organizations, the sudden infant death rate is at an all time low. Since 1983, the rate of SIDS has fallen by over 50 percent. Sadly, there are still about 2,500 deaths per year in the United States, and thousands more throughout the world.
We believe that within our lifetime, we can eliminate SIDS as a cause of infant death, but only with the financial and personal support of corporations, foundations and concerned individuals. There are many ways institutions and individuals can contribute to this effort which are available through the Institute's website or through its office. Please join us in this fight. The death of even one more infant is intolerable! Together we can end the tragedy of SIDS.


 Spring-for-SIDS Day


The American SIDS Institute is looking for people to host Spring-for-SIDS Day events to be held in April. This national event will raise awareness about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and will raise funds for research. We are asking companies and other organizations across the country to join us in our fight against SIDS by encouraging their employees to participate in Spring-for-SIDS Day. Each employee who donates $5 will be provided with a Spring-for-SIDS sticker and will be allowed to wear his fun casual spring outfit to work that day.


 Volunteer to be a Spring-for-SIDS Captain at your company, school, store or other organization. A kit will be provided to all Captains, including posters, stickers, donation cards and sign-up sheets - everything you need to coordinate the event. Everyone will have fun and will feel good about being part of this effort to end SIDS. To learn more about Spring-for-SIDS, or to volunteer, go to www.springforsids.org.

Vaccinations and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy

The Institute of Medicine has published the report regarding the use of vaccines during the first year of life and SIDS. Find out what experts think about the relationship between immunizations and sudden infant death syndrome…

Read more >>>

But my baby doesn't like to sleep on his back...

Parents call Dr. McEntire daily wanting her to tell them it's all right to place their baby on his stomach to sleep...

Read her answer to these parents >>>


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