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Web Developer References \  Programming Languages \  JavaScript \  JavaScript Documentation

DANNY GOODMAN'S JAVASCRIPT OBJECT ROAD MAP AND COMPATIBILITY GUIDE ***** - As a special service to readers of View Source, Danny Goodman's devised a JavaScript Object Road Map and Compatibility Guide. This quick reference document for Netscape Communicator 4 shows Navigator and Internet Explorer compatibility ratings for every Netscape Navigator object and its properties, methods, and event handlers. The Object Road Map is a .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) file that prints out on both sides of two pieces of paper and folds into a convenient reference. If you have the Acrobat Reader plug-in, you can preview the entire document. Or, you can download a Windows zipped version or a Macintosh binhex version.   URL: http://developer.netscape.com/viewsource/goodman_roadmap/goodman_roadmap.html
Adobe Acrobat PDF Client-Side JavaScript Guide Version 1.3 - Netscape's JavaScript 1.3 user guide and information document  [PDF - 3,281.4K]
File: ClientGuideJS13.pdf
Author: Netscape
Adobe Acrobat PDF Client-Side JavaScript Reference version 1.3 - Netscape's JavaScript detailed reference manual; includes description and examples of all version 1.3 JavaScript commands, structures, and event handlers.  [PDF - 6,603.9K]
File: ClientReferenceJS13.pdf
Author: Netscape